Quetzalcoatl,Lord Thoth,also Known as Ningishzidda   The Angel Gabriel  Son Of Enki  son of Anu.

20. And now, that Looeamong's angels had an anchorage on earth, they were in all respects the equals of angels of the pagan Gods. So that, whilst Hatuas was victorious on earth, Gabriel, otherwise Thoth, was victorious in heaven.
21. And it came to pass in not many years, that Looeamong, through Gabriel, captured Baal and all the false Gods in all the regions far and near. And Gabriel took, along with the captured Gods, seven million and six hundred thousand warring angels, and carried them altogether to Makavishtu, in hada, and cast them into hell, where there were already more than ten millions who were in chaos and madness. 22. And Gabriel had the place walled around with fire and noxious gases, so that none could escape.
1.       The Lord said: Gabriel raised upon the earth one Mohammed, and inspired him through his angel hosts. And the angels inspired Mohammed to go once every month in the year into the cave of Hara; on which occasions, Gabriel came in person, and talked with Mohammed, who had su'is in great perfection. 2. Twelve years in peace did Gabriel inspire mortals through Mohammed. But, at the end of thirteen years, Mohammed attained to sufficient strength to draw the sword for Gabriel's doctrines. And Gabriel, through inspiration, caused the Mohammedans to commemorate this as the beginning of his kingdoms on earth. And they, therefore, consecrated the said period of time. 3. And, on this first meeting of the faithful in Gabriel, Mohammed, being under inspiration, spake before the multitude, saying: 4. There is but one God, and he is God. Heaven is his. The earth is the Lord's, through the angel, Gabriel. This is the sum and substance of all things. This was the doctrine of Abraham and of Moses, our forefathers. 5. But evil men have invented other Gods, which have no existence. They are idols, which exist only in superstition and ignorance
11. Brothers, I will tell you why I am chosen of God: It is to circumvent the Kriste'yan's idolatry from coming into Arabin'ya and the countries north and south and east. 12. These countries were given by God to our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and thence down to Moses, and thence down to us. 13. There is but one God, and Gabriel is his angel of all the world. 14. And God raiseth up a prophet from time to time, to bless his chosen people. 15. He put this matter upon me; I know only to serve God. 16. The Kriste'yans are merciless warriors. This false Kriste and his worshipers are working for the Romans, and not for salvation. Wherever they go, they destroy the libraries and all manner of learning. 17. Will ye submit, like slaves, to have them despoil you? Is there no Arabin'yan blood in your veins?

From 10th Sumerian tablet

While the Anunnaki were still celebrating the construction of the "artificial mounds", Enki offered a suggestion to his brother, Enlil:

"When in the future days it will be asked: when and by whom was this marvel fashioned?
Let us beside the twin peaks a monument create, the Age of the Lion let it announce,
The image of Ningishzidda (later known as Thoth), the peaks' designer, let its face be,
Let it precisely toward the Place of the Celestial Chariots gaze,
When, by whom, and the purpose let it to future generations reveal!"

Enlil agreed with Enki's suggestion and decreed:

"Let the gazing lion, precisely eastward facing, with Ningishzidda's image be!"


Read chapter 51 Holy Quran verse 24
then add the numbers in the chapter the sections and verses like thus: 5+1+3+6+0=15
which is 51 reversed,now go to verse 51 and read...


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