Armageddon and the law of time in human affairs

Please note this is a independent scholarly work.
something black students and researchers should know as part of their quest for truth
but it is on such a level where only the chosen few will find it is written: birds of a feather flock together. it is a art of high magnetism only ones vibrating on this frequency will be drawn to this truth which reveal the law of time in human affairs...

-Ital Iman

 we must note in this discourse it is pointed out that the believers in Jesus see all things arcane IE Egyptian as anti Christ, not knowing what they deem evil is good. what we are showing you in this work is that it makes no difference weather it is inside job or work of nature the source is same,it is all ordained by the law of time in human affairs,being the master collagist  it is my divine duty to reveal here supreme and ultimate truth which is mathematically known as (Gagut) Gij,j=0 meaning all is one.all is Allah=G-D. before the world wide web this work of mine was presented in collage I'm well trained to bring it to you it is our spiritual science.what you will find here is an understanding of what is taking place today concerning the law of time in human affairs or last days known as Armageddon how it work etc...even our own people don't want us to be 100 percent correct.but there is proof to what is said here:
 It is true that man is kind

But he is not mankind
Mankind is a kind of man
He is the white man
This theorem can be proven
here: Genesis 1:26 New King James Version (NKJV)
26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Note meaning of The Pronoun 'Us' in the above declaration:
used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people as the object of a verb or preposition.
"let us know"
In order for earth beings to go forward this equation must be understood.
Mankind is a created being, in vitro. and this being is what is called White man on earth .
Where Black man find himself in the scheme of things within the mind of existence is creator/
Therefore Him being the highest manifestation of the intelligent force he is known as God for all is one from the tiniest atom to the largest star…
Black man is God which is Man and White-man is mankind a kind of man or a hue of man
I.e. human. black man is not Human he is man… he is it from which all knowledge issues from and returns simultaneously backwards to the source
For as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end:
Black man is earths rightful ruler
So get ready…again :Black man is the seed,the energy,force, wave or intelligence within,we can call that God or the God that dwells in all as all,never ending,never starting omni presence now.

Did you ever wonder why they call it the WORLD SERIES? The 2 baseball leagues competing for the prize are both American with only 1 other team from out of the country, that being Toronto, Ontario. This does not constitute the world by any stretch of the imagination.

The reason it’s called the World Series is because of the Rose Line, or line of roses, which runs from Lake Tahoe, through Sacramento, San Francisco and Hawaii, finally ending at the Equator and International Date Line. This rose line is just simple geometric symbolism, but to the demonic mind, it is the strength necessary to deceive. This line includes a huge piece of geography that extends across North America and all the way into the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If you consider that the baseball diamond actually includes Foul Territory as well, the area completely outside the baseball diamond, the infield and the outfield, then the baseball game can include virtually the whole world. From this, we get the term World Series.

The foul territory in this case, represents those areas of the world that the royal elite power brokers find obnoxious. The areas inhabited by the poorer people, the black, brown and yellow people. This is the foul territory in this particular game of baseball.

Hawaii is symbolic of the DOG star Sirius, which in turn is the GOD star (when DOG is reversed = GOD). The word WOR-LD is ROW-LD (when reversed), that speaks once again, of the ROSE. This symbolic manipulation across half of the Pacific Ocean, ultimately affects the entire world. This massive symbolic game of World Series Baseball actually refers to, as everything ultimately refers to, the Rose God. Or put another way, the god who rose from the dead, or rose out of death. Everything in our 3 dimensional realm glorifies the luciferian rose god concept. The egregore group of demonic entities conjured everything up on illusion day, the first day of creation. Therefore, for the illusion to remain constant, everything must always and continually refer back to the entities that conjured the whole thing up. Even the word ILLUSION = ILL (lie when reversed) – U you – SION sun. Illusion means Lie you sun.

How many words have the hypnotic form of the word sion or tion in them? Very, very many to be sure.

Hawaii is the pitcher’s mound in this baalgame. (Kilauea Volcano,through simple sound association, means Kill Away All). Homeplate, located at the International Dateline and Equator, (the equator symbolizing fair judgment which will occur on the fulcrum of TIME, which is the date line) is the location of the main umpire judge, symbolizing the christ. All the Foul Line and Base Umpire Judges which are present in a normal baseball game are symbolic of the saints judging with the christ. This is the hypnotic subliminal, and the real reason why the baseball game, and sports in general are so revered in America and throughout the world. Sports act as one incredible mind manipulation tactic to destroy the awareness of humanity.

Of course, all of this is just insanity, but it is the plan the luciferian mind is going to follow. It will unleash its horror from the region of the Cascadia Ridge Seismic Fault Line off the West Coast of the United States and Canada. To feed its hunger it will feast on hot dogs(volcanic gods) and pop (papa – father god) as it waits for the BIG ONE to get slammed out of the park. These sarcastic string of words that I’ve just written, in spite of the sarcasm, are still representative of the subliminal messaging perptrated by this entity. Subliminals don’t have to make sense, they just have to suggest.

Giants – A’s – Padres – Angels – Dodgers
In California, all along the west coast, there are 5 professional baseball teams, or Base Baal teams. San Francisco has the Giants – a name referencing the Giant Hunter Orion (as in Orion the constellation). Giants also has that nasty little G letter in it, which can take the Yuh sound. Therefore, Giants is Yiants, or Eye-ants. Yet another suggestion referring to the All Seeing Eye god. The Oakland Athletics or A’s is a subliminal suggesting the pyramid. The letter A, with the capstone, All Seeing Eye, dividing line.

The San Diego Padres is another name for father, as in the father god (luciferian egregore). Los Angeles has 2 teams, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim – 3 letter A’s or pyramid triangles, with a halo included in their logo. As well as, the Los Angeles Dodgers, have a truly unique nickname. In the game of baseball, dodging is really not part of the rules of the game. Dodging may be a phrase used to describe portions of a play in motion, but that’s about it. However, when you consider a future tidal wave will be entering the playing field, then dodging takes on some significance. However, there’s an even stronger subliminal at play here. That being, that nasty G letter again. Dodgers is Do-Dy-ers, or Do-Die-ers. The New York Dodgers lent their name to this team, as well as the franchise. It would have been established, in advance, by the serpent mind, where this team would be going and what would also be a truly symbolic name. New York is a name that simply means, North East West for NEW, the new world order subliminal. York means Roy or Royal, in reverse, which is Rose. Remember, to become royal you must rise above everyone, you must conquer, you must have ROSE above all.

Even the word Rock, that this whole insane illusion is based upon, is also a subliminal to the Rose. ROC in rock, is pronouned with an S or Z sound, this makes it ROS or ROZ. The K in the word Rock, or in any word, is always a subliminal for Killing or Death. Therefore the word rock, the symbol that the luciferian christ would build its church upon, actually means Rose and Death. The Rock is therefore the symbol for the Order of Death and the Order of the Rose. It is these two Orders that the royal elite, including the Bush family in the United States, belong to.

There’s really not much left to do then, but Pelee Baal, or Play Ball.

Wisdom under the Kufi
Here it is revealed in our research that the builders of the dome and the rock(dome of the Rock) were the same ones who conttructed great pyramids and all other sacred sites upon earth(Anunakki) here is proof that they were in north America at same time Quran was being dictated by Gabriel (Thoth) who we find in central America as the plumbed serpent of Olmec maya.
The rock of the dome(Dome of Rock) was a message of last days  revealing the climax of Armageddon which would be played out upon the theater of west coast north America, we have the kufi text or script of Nevada as proof of this message. Note the definition of the kufi: A kufi or kufi cap is a brimless, short, and rounded cap worn by men in many populations in North Africa, East Africa, Western Africa and South Asia. It is also worn by men throughout the African diaspora. Note that the kufi is shaped like a dome and it covers the head of man,meaning wisdom,there is a relation to the Dome of the rock,symbolizing wisdom and vision.
Ezekiel 33:6 King James Version (KJV)
6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

14 centuries ago
“ Whereby Thoth rebelled against thee, and set up his present heavenly dominions, inspiring his followers under the name of Mohammed.

1. THE Lord said: Gabriel raised upon the earth one Mohammed, and inspired him through his angel hosts. And the angels inspired Mohammed to go once every month in the year into the cave of Hara; on which occasions, Gabriel came in person, and talked with Mohammed, who had su'is in great perfection.
2. Twelve years in peace did Gabriel inspire mortals through Mohammed. But, at the end of thirteen years, Mohammed attained to sufficient strength to draw the sword for Gabriel's doctrines. And Gabriel, through inspiration, caused the Mohammedans to commemorate this as the beginning of   his kingdoms on earth. And they, therefore, consecrated the said period of time.
3. And, on this first meeting of the faithful in Gabriel, Mohammed, being under inspiration, spake before the multitude, saying”…

Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death. Dec 2, 2017
The first whole Quran was written or recorded within a period of 23 years as it began from 610 AD and that is when Muhammed(SAW) received the first revelation:
Evidence of Quran and islam found in Nevada  750-1150 A.D.
Only 140 years after Holy Quran was written…
Professor Fell, bases his conclusion that there were Muslim schools in the seventh and eighth centuries in Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Indiana on findings unearthed in archeological excavations. Writings, drawings, and tables found on rocks in the wilderness of West are the remnants of a Muslim primary and secondary education system. The evidence consists of the old Kufi Arab letters used in North African Arabic, and of the topics about reading-writing, arithmetic, religion, history, geography, mathematics, astronomy and navigation. The writing “With the name of Allah” (pictured left) found on a rock in the Nevada excavations, and another rock inscription “Mohammed Nabiyallah” (Mohammed is the Messenger of God) (picture 1) are strikingly similar to the Kufi style used in the seventh century.
Fell’s discoveries indicate Arabs lived in the seventh and eighth centuries in Nevada. Professors Heizer and Baumhoff from the University of California joined excavations at Nevada’s WA 25 site. The result unveiled there indicates there was a school in which Islam, science, and navigation were taught. In the Nevada excavations, Naski and Kufi styles of Arabic writings were found on the rocks and stones (picture 2). In this picture, the mathematical formula of — five diamonds is equal to an A in Arabic (Alif)” is seen.

Like the term or word  Jew,  moor has no real ethnological value.
The term "Moors" refers primarily to the Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, and Malta during the Middle Ages. The Moors initially were the indigenous Maghrebine Berbers. The name was later also applied to Arabs. who were the indigenous black people
The kalima on 8th century Nevada rocks
1 post by 1 author 



Other recipients:

Rocks and mountains don’t lie, they keep the esoterism  deep in their
belly. The rocks of Nevada hold a hidden secret. Those secrets have
been meticulously kept by the hills and the earth. These secrets
have   been carefully encapsulated by Professor Barry Fell, a
retired  lecturer from Harvard University. An increasing number of
Americans are investigating the truth about the rocks of Nevada. Those
who dare to look at the evidence will be shocked at the secrets.

We were in the Americas, hundreds of years before Columbus, and of
that we can be sure.

Clyde-Ahmad Winters. Barry Fell. Alexander Von Wuthenau. Ivan Van
Sertima.  What do they have in common? A lot. They all provided
evidence to the above statement; and it is a statement of fact, not an
opinion, although many have chosen to ignore it in the past. The
modern religion.
    * Now, we are all aware of the grave tragedy that befell the
various African people after the discovery of America. Many people
from there were forcefully taken from their homes to America, to serve
the people who had taken over that land. Black slavery. We also know,
for a fact, that many of these people were indeed Muslims; that has
never been in dispute, nor should it be. Clyde Ahmad Winters has given
us details of how huge numbers of Muslims were brought to Latin
America in a 1978 issue of Al-Ittihad: A Quarterly Journal of Islamic
Studies, although later on in 1543, Muslims in Spanish colonies were
ejected from them by the residing government.
    * Dr. Barry Fell, a noted New Zealand archaeologist and linguist
of Harvard University showed detailed existing evidence in his work,
“Saga America” that Muslims were not only in the Americas before
Columbus arrived, but very active there as well. The language of the
Pima people in the South West and the Algonquian language had many
words in their vocabulary that were Arabic in origin, and Islamic
petroglyphs were found in places such as California.
    * In the Inyo county of the State of California, according to
Fell, there is another petroglyph that states, “Yasus bin Maria” which
means in Arabic, “Jesus, son of Mary”. This is not a Christian phrase;
in fact, the phrase is to be found in the verses and ayahs of the Holy
Quran. This glyph, as Fell believes, is centuries older than the US.
In the Western states of the US he found texts, diagrams and charts
engraved on rocks that were used for schooling that dated back to
700-800 C.E. The schooling was in subjects such as mathematics,
history, geography, astronomy and sea navigation. The language of
instruction was Kufic Arabic, from North Africa.
    * The German art historian, Alexander Von Wuthenau, also provides
evidence that Islamic peoples were in America, in the time between 300
and 900 C.E. This was at least half a millennium before Columbus was
born! Carved heads, that were described as “Moorish-looking” were
dated between 300 and 900 C.E. and another group of heads dated
between 900 and 1500 C.E. An artifact found in the earlier group was
photographed, and when later examined was found to resemble an old man
in a Fez, like the Egyptians.
    * Ivan Van Sertima is widely renowned for his work, “They Came
Before Columbus” which showed that there was definitely contact
between the ancient and early African people with the Native
Americans. This and another of his works, “African Presence in Early
America” both prove that there were African Muslim settlements in the
Americas, before the expedition of Columbus was even conceived. His
research has shown that Arab Muslim trade was active in America and
one can only imagine that the marvellous culture that the Native
Americans had that shared so much with Islamic teachings was of great
attraction to the Muslims that came so far across the sea. The Modern

Barry Fell (1917 – 1994), British-born and distinguished Harvard
professor of marine biology, wrote “Saga America” one year after his
retirement in 1980, which proves the existence of Muslims in America.

…Perhaps the most impressive finding of this research is that Muslims
reached America during the Caliph Ali and Osman periods and opened
navigation schools here. Another key discovery relating to the traces
of Islam in America, are coins found by Father Thaddeus Mason Harris.
These coins were found while he was supervising the construction of
today’s “Route 16″ from Malden to Cambridge, MA, in 1787.

…Workers who found the coins mistakenly thought the metal was
worthless, and allowed father Harris to take a handful of coins.
Father Harris sent them to the Library of Harvard College (known as
Harvard University today) for identification. Picture 6 depicts these
coins, which belong to the ninth and tenth centuries from Semerkand.
The words of Shahadah ( lā ‘ilaha ‘illāl-lāhu Mohammadur rasūlullāh,
that is, There is no god but God; Muhammad is the Messenger of God) is
inscribed on the coins. For this reason, Yucel believes some people
from among the Sahaba (companions of Prophet Mohammed) or the Taba’een
(who had no direct contact with Mohammed, but did have direct contact
with the Ṣahāba) were in America.

…Professor Fell, bases his conclusion that there were Muslim schools
in the seventh and eighth centuries in Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico,
and Indiana on findings unearthed in archeological excavations.
Writings, drawings, and tables found on rocks in the wilderness of
West are the remnants of a Muslim primary and secondary education
system. The evidence consists of the old Kufi Arab letters used in
North African Arabic, and of the topics about reading-writing,
arithmetic, religion, history, geography, mathematics, astronomy and
navigation. The writing “With the name of Allah” (pictured left) found
on a rock in the Nevada excavations, and another rock inscription
“Mohammed Nabiyallah” (Mohammed is the Messenger of God) (picture 1)
are strikingly similar to the Kufi style used in the seventh century.

Fell’s discoveries indicate Arabs lived in the seventh and eighth
centuries in Nevada. Professors Heizer and Baumhoff from the
University of California joined excavations at Nevada’s WA 25 site.
The result unveiled there indicates there was a school in which Islam,
science, and navigation were taught. In the Nevada excavations, Naski
and Kufi styles of Arabic writings were found on the rocks and stones
(picture 2). In this picture, the mathematical formula of “five
diamonds is equal to an A in Arabic (Alif)” is seen.

…Salih Yucel emphasizes the similarities among scriptures bearing the
name of the Prophet Muhammad found at archeological excavations at
different times in America and Africa. Shape A in picture 3 was found
in Al Ain Lahag in Morocco and shape B was found in the East Walker
river. Shape C was found in Nevada, shape D and E in Churchill County,
shape F in Al Hajj Minoun in Morocco, shape G, drawn on a piece of
ceramic, was found in Al Suk, Tripoli in Libya, shape H in Cottonwood
Canyon and shape I was found on the Libya-Morocco border. These 8th
and 9th century scriptures explicitly show the similarities between
North America and North Africa. Those found in the U.S. are now kept
at the University of California. Incidentally, the Muslim generations
who lived during that period in the US are today defined as the
Iroquois, Algonquin, Anasazi, Hohokam and Olmec indigenous tribes. In
the 12th century, the region where Arab Muslims lived in Nevada was
invaded by Ithacan tribe comprising Apache and Navajo natives; local
Arabs were forced to escape or were driven to the south. Yet these
indigenous people, who were illiterate, were amazed with what they
found in the schools established by the Arabs. They even went so far
as to emulate the same courses (perhaps thanks to the captives they
held) and portrayed the shapes as mythical monsters. This continued
for centuries. Picture 4, which was found in the White Mountains in
the neighborhood of Benton town on the Nevada border in 1951, bears
the kufi style of writing and reads “Sheitan maha mayan” meaning “The
Devil is the source of all lies”. This is an example of kufi writing
belonging to 7th century. The piece of rock in picture 5 belongs to
the 7th century, bearing the letters “H-M-I-D” (Hamid) in kufi-style
writing. It was also found on the Atlatl rock in the Fire Valley in
Nevada. The rock in picture 7, which is presumed to be 13th century
and found in a cave in the La Gruta de Carinto region of Salvador, has
the passage “Malakah Haji mi Malaya” inscribed on it. This rock stands
as proof that Muslims immigrated to North America from Indonesia. In
fact, during the second voyage of Christopher Columbus, the indigenous
people of Espanola told him about the black people who reached the
island before him. They showed spears left by African Muslims to
Columbus as evidence of their claims. The spears were edged with a
yellow metal that the indigenous called guanine (gold alloy). Here,
the remarkable point is that the word guanine is associated with the
Arabic word ghina, which means richness. Columbus later brought a
piece of guanine to Spain which showed a content of 56,25 percent
gold, 18,75 percent silver and 25 percent copper. These percentages
were then the metal processing standard of Africa Ghina.

Columbus, who made his third voyage to the new world in 1498, went to
Trinidad. Later on when his crew went ashore in South America, they
observed the symmetric woven patterns of the fabric and colorful
clothes of the indigenous people there. Columbus referred to these
clothes as “almayzar”, acknowledging that they were very similar to
the headscarves and belts in Gina in terms of color, style and usage.
The word “almayzar” means “cover”, “smock” or “skirt” in Arabic; it
was the local clothing of the North African people of Arabic and
Berberi origin known as Moors, who had conquered Spain in the 8th
century. Columbus noted that indigenous married women wore cotton
clothes, and he wrote that he wondered from where these women learnt
the concept of chastity. Spanish conqueror Hernan Kortes recorded the
clothing of indigenous women as being long veils and draped skirts
painted with patterns resembling those of the Moors. Ferdinand
Columbus also wrote that the cotton clothes of the indigenous people
were extremely similar to the patterned long shawls that Moors women
wore in Granada. In addition, the similarity between cradles that the
indigenous people laid their babies on and the cradles of North Africa
is striking.

Salih Yucel says of the findings: “Columbus wrote that he saw a mosque
on a beautiful mountain while sailing in the neighborhood of Cibara,
in northwestern Cuba on 21 October 1492. Some relics of mosques
bearing Quranic verses on their minarets have been found in Cuba,
Mexico, Texas and Nevada. Famous historian and linguist from Harvard
University Leo Weiner, says in his book, “Africa and the Discovery of
America” that Columbus was aware of the existence of Mandingos in the
new world. The same source indicates that Columbus knew that African
Muslims lived in Central America, South America, North America
including Canada and the Caribbean, and they had marital and
commercial relations with the Iroque and Algonquin indigenous tribes.

Most of the voyages that Columbus and fellow pioneering Spanish and
Portuguese explorers made to the other side of the Atlantic were
realized thanks to geographical and sea navigation knowledge that
Muslims gathered. For example, Mesudi’s (871-957) book titled “Murucuz
Zahab” was written as a result of similar information gathered by
Muslim merchants from Africa and Asia. Two of Columbus’ captains in
his first inter-continental travel were Muslim. The ship named PINTA
was under the control of Martin Alonso Pinzon, and the ship NINA was
under the control of his brother Vicente Yanez Pinzon. The root of the
Pinzon family goes back to the Morocco Marinid royal family from
Sultan Abu Zayan Muhammad III (1362-66). The Pinzon brothers, who were
rich shipping merchants before they joined Columbus, helped Columbus
organize his exploratory voyage and prepared the flagship Santa Maria
by meeting the expenses. Columbus noted that local people in some of
Atlantic islands adorned their noses with gold and wrote in Arabic.
Missionaries who traveled to America in the 16th century saw that
copper reserves in Virginia, Tennessee and Wisconsin were not run by
local people, but rather by those who had come from the Middle East,
and also that the American Indians had a deep sense of love for the
Middle Eastern people.

Salih Yucel continues his amazing explanation as follows: “The names
of 565 places, 484 of them being in the US and 81 in Canada, such as
the names of villages, towns, cities, mountains, lakes, and rivers,
come from Islamic and Arabic roots. These places were originally named
by local people before Columbus ever set foot in America. Some of
these names are even Islamic place names, examples such as: Mecca
(with a population of 720) in Indiana; Medina ( with a population of
2100) in Idaho; Medina (with a population of 8,500) in New York;
Medina (with a population of 1,100) and Hazen (with a population of
5,000) in North Dakota; Medina (with a population of 17,000) and
Medina (with a population of 120.000) in Ohio, Medina (with a
population of 1,100) in Tennessee; Medina (with a population of
26,000) in Texas; Medina (with a population of 1,200) and Aria (with a
population of 700) in Ontario; Mahomet (with a population of 3,200) in
Illinois; Mona (with a population of 1,000) in Utah. When the
indigenous tribe names are examined in the US, it is understood that
most of them derive from Arabic and Islamic roots. These are names
such as, Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin, Cherokee, Cree,
Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mahigan, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu, Zuni.

Archeological excavations carried out in North America and North
Africa also reveal vast similarities in architecture belonging to the
9th century. For example, a building structure in the Atlas Mountains
of Morocco belonging to Berberis   is the same as a building
structure   in New Mexico. There is again a similarity
between the Montezume Tower, found in excavations in Arizona, and the
architecture of Berberis in the Mesa Verde region of Colorado.
According to research conducted by Professor Cyrus Thomas from the
Smithsonian Institute, a small hut made of rock fall in the Ellenville
region in New York has almost the same structure as a hut made of rock
fall in the Akabe region of South Arabia. These structures are
presumed to be 8th century.

The last Muslim tower in Spain, Granada, fell just before the Spanish
Inquisition was established in 1492. Non-Christians were forced to
either convert to Catholicism to save themselves from the tyranny of
the Inquisition or were exiled from the country. Documents exist which
prove the existence of immigrant Muslims in Spanish America before
1550. In 1539 an edict from Spanish King Charles V was put into
practice which forbade the immigration of Muslims to settlements in
the West. This edict was later expanded to expel all Muslims from
overseas Spanish colonies in 1543. Salih Yucel’s opinion on the issue
is as follows: “The existence of Muslims in overseas islands and
regions was known along with the fact that the Spanish king issued
such an edict. Again, in many Islamic sources, it is noted that
Muslims living in Spain and North Africa made overseas voyages during
the Andalusia period. I will address this issue in another research”.

According to Yucel, archeological excavations and analyses of the
language and place names in the region, coins, household goods and
other objects belonging to 8th and 9th centuries of the Abbasids
period found by antique dealers show that Muslims began to migrate to
the American continent around the mid 7th century. These people
established settlement units, mosques and schools; enormously
influencing the indigenous public, American Indians: “From the
research of Professor Fell one can conceptualize that some of the
apostles of the Prophet Muhammad and the generation following came to
the continent. Columbus saw the existence of Islam and Muslims in
America when he reached the continent; however, Western researchers
often ignore this.” Yucel said that his goal in conducting this
research is to draw the attention of young researchers to the
existence of Muslims on the American continent since the 7th century.
“Many doctorate theses may be prepared about this issue. These studies
will shed light on the many documents which remain secret both to
Muslims and Americans. They will perhaps prepare the groundwork for
rewriting the history of the American continent in the future.” Yucel

Verses engraved on the rocks

Fell not only found cultural parallelisms between Western African
peoples and certain Southwestern American Indian tribes, but
discovered that the Pima people from the region had a dictionary with
Arabic roots. This dictionary affirmed the existence of Islamic
scriptures engraved in rock in places such as California. Fell tells
of a saying found engraved in Arabic in the Inyo town of California:
“Yasus ben Maria” (Jesus, Son of Mary); such an expression exists in
Qur’anic verse only. Therefore, Fells says, this stone tablet takes
the US’s history back further than its presumed 500 years. Todays

7 Century AD (700-800 AD): What happened in Nevada in the 8th century
has implications beyond the deserts of the West. Here is a synopsis.

1. Professor Barry Fell, retired lecturer from Harvard University and
also a member of the American Academy of Science and Arts, the Royal
Society, the Epigraphy Society and the Society of Scientific and
Archaeological  Discoveries, is adamant about the arrival of Islam in
America in the 650s, predicating this argument upon the
Cufic  calligraphy belonging to that era found in various diggings
across America. If the words of Professor Fell have truth-value, then
the Muslims had arrived in America during the era of Uthman, or at
least that of Ali, the fourth caliph. Such information, however, is
not found in Muslim sources.

Professor Fell again uses the results of various archaeological
diggings undertaken across many regions in the states of Colorado, New
Mexico, and Indiana to assert the construction of Muslim schools
during 700-800 CE. Writings, drawings, and charts inscribed on rocks
discovered in the most remote and untainted terrains of Western
America are relics bestowed by the elementary and intermediate systems
of Muslim education at the time. These documents were written in the
old Cufic letters of North African Arabic, covering subjects such as
reading, writing, arithmetic, religion, history, geography,
mathematics, astronomy, and navigation. The descendants of these
settlers are thought to be the current native tribes of Iroquois,
Algonquin, Anasazi, Hohokam, and Olmec.
2. The second evidence offered by Professor Fell is that the
inscription of “In the Name of God” (picture 1), found on a rock
during archaeological work in Nevada, belongs to the seventh century,
when the haraka sign system had not yet been developed. Likewise, the
stone bearing the inscription “Muhammad is the Prophet of
God” (picture 2) is pertinent to the same era. As seen by comparison
of the two pictures, the inscriptions are not in the style of Modern
Arabic; conversely they are in a Cufic style relevant to the seventh
3. The Arabs, according to the findings of Professor Fell, settled in
Nevada during the seventhand eighth centuries. The earlier existence
of a school, which taught Islam and science, particularly navigation,
has come to light following the archaeological investigation
undertaken by Professors Heizer and Baumhoff of California University
around site WA 25 in Nevada. The excavations in Nevada have uncovered
writings in Naskhi Arabic and Cuficstyle that are inscribed on rocks
which carry information about this school (picture 3). The application
of the mathematical formula “five diamonds equal an alif” (alif is the
first letter of Arabic alphabet) may be seen in this picture (pictures
3b and 3c). The Arabic letters in pictures 3b and 3c, found amid
excavations in Nevada, are in exactly the same style as North African
Arabic. Again similarly, another rock was found in Nevada bearing the
name “God”, the style of which is yet again reminiscent of the
prevalent technique of seventhand eighth-century North Africa. The
calligraphic similarities between various writing styles of the
Prophet’s name over diverse periods, particularly those relating to
Africa and America, found during archaeological investigations are
striking indeed. Figure A of picture 4 was found in al-Ain Lahag,
Morocco and figure B in East Walker River; both are currently at the
University of California. Figure C was discovered in Nevada and
figures C and D were located in Churchill County and are also
currently preserved at the University of California; likewise figure F
was discovered in al-Haji Minoun, Morocco, while figure G, inscribed
on ceramic, was revealed in al-Suk, Tripoli, Libya and figure H, at
the University of California, was discovered at Cottonwood Canyon,
while finally figure I was located on the border of Morocco and Libya.
All these inscriptions belong to the eighthand ninth centuries,
clearly illustrating the resemblance in style between North America
and North Africa, as well as overtly suggesting a migration that
occurred from Africa to America.
3. In the twelfthth century the Athapcan Tribe, comprised of native
Apaches and Navajos, raided the area inhabited by the Arabs, who
either ended up fleeing or were exiled toward the South. These
illiterate natives were spellbound by the schools founded by the
Arabs, and, perhaps with the assistance of captives, attempted to
imitate the same subjects, transforming the geometrical shapes into
mythical beasts, which carried on for centuries.
. Picture 5 is the Cufic writing found in 1951 in the White Mountains,
close to the town of Benton on the border of Nevada. The words Shaytan
maha mayan, i.e. the Devil is the source of all lies, have been
written in a Cufic style peculiar to the seventh century.
. Once more, a rock inscription belonging to post-650 CE, bearing the
Cufic letters H-M-I-D of the word Hamid (picture 6), is another Arabic
script discovered on the Atlata rocks in the Valley of Fire in Nevada.
6. While traveling from Maldento Cambridge in the state of
Massachusetts in 1787 (on what is now RT. 16), the Reverend Thaddeus
Mason Harris noticed some coins discovered by workers during road
construction. The workers, not putting much value on these coins,
presented him with a handful. Consequently, Harris decided to send
these coins to the library of Harvard College for examination (picture
7). The study yielded that these were in fact Samarqand dirhamsfrom
the eight and ninth centuries. As can be seen in the picture, the
coins manifestly display the inscriptions La ilaha ill-Allah
Muhammadun Rasulullah (There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is His
Messenger) and Bismillah (in the name of God).
7. Picture 8 shows a piece of rock discovered in a cave in the region
of Corinto in El Salvador, bearing the inscription Malaka Haji mi
Malaya; this has been identified as belonging to the
thirteenthcentury, suggesting a possible arrival of Muslims in South
America, perhaps coming from somewhere near Indonesia.

 7. During his second voyage, Columbus was told by the natives of
Espanola (Haiti) of black men who had appeared on the island before
him and they showed him the lances that had been left there by these
Africans to support their assertions. The tips of the lances were of a
metal, an alloy of gold, which they called guanin, a word which is
semantically remarkably similar to the Arabic word ghina, meaning
richness. Columbus had in fact brought some of this guanin back to
Spain, recording that it was composed of 56.25% gold, 18.75% silver
and 25% copper, ratios that were prevalent in African Guinea as
standards for the processing of metals.

8. On his third voyage to the New World, Columbus visited Trinidad,
where the sailors noticed the symmetrically patterned cotton and
colorful handkerchiefs of the natives. Afterward, Columbus realized
that the handkerchiefs, which the natives called almayzar, were all
much the same in color, style, and use as the headscarves and waist
bands used in Guinea. The word almayzar is Arabic, and denotes a
cover, tie, apron, or skirt, and is a component of the regional
costumes of the Moors, Arabs and, Berbers of NorthAfrica, who had
conquered Spain in the eighth century. Columbus observed that the
local women wore cotton garments and wrote in astonishment that they
had learned of the concept namus, i.e. chastity. In much the same
vein, Hernan Cortes, another Spanish explorer, later recorded that the
clothing of localwomen consisted of long veils and skirts decorated
with ornaments that were similar to those of the Moors. Ferdinand,
Columbus’ son, was also quick to notice the resemblance between the
cotton dresses of the natives and the ornamented shawls fashioned by
Moorish women in Granada. The cradles used by the natives,
furthermore, very closely resembled those of North Africa.

9. Columbus recorded on 21 October 1492 that he had noticed a mosque
on top of a mountain while sailing around Cibara on the northeast
coast of Cuba. Relics of mosques carrying Qur’anic inscriptions on
their minarets have been found in Cuba, Mexico, Texas, and Nevada
since these times.

10. Leo Weiner, a well-known Harvard historian and linguist, stated in
his book The Discovery of Africa and America, written in 1920, that
Columbus was aware of the existence of Mandinka, an ethnic group of
West Africa, in the New World. The same book also affirms that
Columbus was aware that West African Muslims were living across North
America, including the south, middle regions and Canada, as well as in
the Caribbean, and that they had marital and commercial ties with the
native tribes of Iroque and Algonquin.

11. A preponderance of the voyages embarked upon by Columbus and other
Spanish and Portuguese explorers toward the other side of the Atlantic
were undertaken only in the light of the geographical and navigational
knowledge prepared by Muslims. Al-Masudi’s (871-957 CE) work Muruj’uz-
Zahab, for instance, was written withthis sort of data compiled by
Muslim traders from across Africa and Asia. Two of Columbus’ captains
on the first voyage, in actual fact, were Muslims: Martin Alonso
Pinzon was in charge of the Pinta, while his brother Vicente Yanez
Pinzonwas the designated captain of Nina; both were from the Moroccan
Marinid dynasty, descendants of Sultan Abu Zayan Muhammad III (r.
1362-1366). Formerly well-to-do ship riggers, they assisted Columbus
in organizing his voyage of exploration, preparing the Santa Maria,
the flagship, and covering all its expenses.

12. Christopher Columbus has recorded the custom of nose piercing,
which used to be and still popular in the Middle Eastern and Arab
countries, as being prevalent in some islands across the Atlantic also
mentions the writing of letters in Arabic.

13. In the account of sixteenth century missionaries in America, the
local copper mines, found particularly in Virginia, Tennessee, and
Wisconsin were not operated by the natives, but instead by people from
the Middle East, towards whom the natives nurtured a profound

14. A sum of 565 names, 484 in America and 81 in Canada, of villages,
towns, cities, mountains, lakes, rivers and etcetera, are
etymologically Arabic, designated by locals long before the arrival of
Columbus. Many of these names are in fact the same as names of Islamic
places; Mecca in Indiana, Medina in Idaho, Medina in New York, Medina
and Hazen in North Dakota, Medina in Ohio, Medina in Tennessee, Medina
in Texas, Medina and Arva in Ontario, Mahomet in Illinois and Mona in
Utah, are just a few noticeable names at the outset. A closer analysis
of the names of native tribes will immediately reveal their Arabic
etymological ancestry; Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin,
Cherokee, Cree, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mohician, Mohawk, Nazca,
Zulu, and Zuni are only a few.
House and building Structures
Archaeological excavations conducted throughout North America and
North Africa reveal a corresponding architectural resemblance between
Ninth century buildings. The structure of a Berber house of the Atlas
Mountains, Morocco (picture 9), for instance, is exactly the same as
that of a house in New Mexico . The same similarity can be
traced between the Castle of Montezuma discovered in Arizona and the
remnants found in Mesa Verde in Colorado and the general structure of
Berber buildings.
The pervasiveness of many Islamic words across the continent prior to
European influx is verified by the following terms discovered in the
regions currently known as New England and Nova Scotia, in America and
Canada respectively. Fell pointed to some words as example of Arabic
influence on Native Americans. All of the words listed below are
derived from the Arabic language. However, time had eroded their
original meanings and most are not used in Arabic today.

The research undertaken by Professor Cyrus Thomas of the Smithsonian
Institute shows that a small cabin built from piles of rock found in
Ellenville, New York is virtually the same as the cabin, again of
rock, found around Aqabah, Southern Arabia, bothof which are thought
to have been built around the start of the eighth century .

The last Muslim stronghold in Spain, Granada, fell just before the
Spanish Inquisition was established in 1492. Non-Christians were
forced to either convert to Catholicism to save themselves from the
tyranny of the Inquisition or were exiled from the country. Documents
exist which prove the existence of immigrant Muslims in Spanish
America  before 1550. In 1539 an edict from Spanish King Charles V was
put into practice which forbade the immigration of Muslims to
settlements in the West. This edict was later expanded to expel all
Muslims from overseas Spanish colonies in 1543. The existence of
Muslims in overseas islands and regions was known along with the fact
that the Spanish king issued such an edict. Again, in many Islamic
sources, it is noted that Muslims living in Spain and North Africa
made overseas voyages during the Andalusia period. Scientific research
on this subject will bring out many documents into the daylight,
documents which have escaped the notice of both Muslims in America and
those throughout the world, which will perhaps serve, in the future if
not immediately, as a starting point for a re-evaluation of the
history of America.
(Archaic African American artist, Earl Sweeting depicting pre-
Columbus contacts between Muslims and Native Americans)
Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the United States.
Through conversion and through immigration, the number of Muslims has
now risen to between 6 and 16 million. There are more Muslims than
Presbyterians and more American Muslims than American Jews.History is
but a jig saw puzzle. The facts about Cherokee Muslims were initially
brought out by Cherokees themselves. Ms. Sheila Musaji also has a
website and has done research on the subject of Cherokee being
Muslims. Dr. Robert Crane, the ex US Ambassador to the UAE, and an
advisor to President Nixon who is a Cherokkee brought it to my
attention, and he has written various articles on the subject. Dr.
Crane did “revert” back to Islam.
MUSLIMS IN AMERICA: From before Zeng He Muslims have been part of
American before Columbus, A mosque is as American as apple pie.
Admiral Zeng He a Chinese Muslim and his entourage “Came to American
before Columbus” (“1421″). Columbus sailed from Muslim Spain (Al-
Anduls) and many of the sailors were Muslim. At least two captains of
his ships were Panzone brothers who were Arabs. At least one third of
the Africans slaves brought in as slaves were Muslim and
demographically more than a third of the current African-Americans are
still Muslim. The Cherokee language is based on the Arabic alphabet
and the Cherokee headdress resembles Mali head wear.

From Moorestown New Jersey, to Islamorada Florida; from Medina Ohio to
Lahore Virginia, from Palestine Texas, to Al-Hambra California… more
than 500 American towns are named after Muslim cities in the old

The first mosques in America were not built in the 60s but in the
earliest times when African and a Cherokee Muslims prayed in small
buildings. From the Islamic architecture Tiffany houses ensconced in
the American section of the Metropolitan Museum of Art to Caad Zaan
the Rignling Brothers home in Sarasota Florida; from Labanon in New
Jersey to California (Khalifa Harunia); from Alabama (Allah um ya) to
Talahasse (T Allah Hassee)—Islam is not only visible in America, it is
part of our American society and American culture. Islam can be heard
in American concert halls in Beethoven’s 9th symphony or on the
Turkish instruments that make up the orchestra.

Islam can be tasted in America when you eat a croissant (patterned on
the Turkish flag-Crescent) or crepes (from the original Morocoon
Crepes). Islamic architecture can be seen in the architecture of
5thAvenue synagogues, gothic buildings, dome structures of our
capitols, and in California homes.

Our nation is an amalgamation of many cultures and religions. By
opposing a mosque in our midst we are simply hurting the feelings of
our fellow countrymen. New mosques are being built not to attract new
Muslims, but to allow our existing congested structures. Without a
Rock away mosque the Muslims will pray in older crowded mosques, in
basements and in rented warehouses.”


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