The Black Panther Movie, Black discernment and priorities


The consensus on the Black panther movie
is that it's a cool change from the slave movies.
it has been equated to Ethiopia in world war two
one viewer said: " I have been talking about Afro-Futurism for a while changing perspectives. Not about agreeing or disagreeing just about the View".
this is become the typical Obama era mind-set, even calling the Black Panther: An Anti-colonial Pan -African superhero.
we have been pacified as to what others have seemly done for us,and have not found the balls to create for ourselves with the consensus of empowerment and true liberation to be free from other influences.we have no sense of discernment and like reading and listening comprehension skills.and deep down we have a problem with originality among our own.
today a conversation over the explanation of a Bob Marley song proves my point,be it know I don't expect many if any to catch on because we have not been trained to think and reason on this level...

Jahqueenlioness Flowers is listening to Could You Be Loved.
February 14 at 6:41am ·


Ital Iman: Originally this song was titled "could you be love" with words :"could you be love and be loved" indicating the Rastafari is a Christ like figure who is the embodiment of love,so the question is can you be Christ or love and be loved.but an anti truth faction changed the words as to down play the importance or seriousness of Rastafari. Think about it: as the song stands:could you be loved and be loved has no basis in has no point and makes no sense as relation to Rastafari,Bob Marley was not a shallow man,all his songs are full of esoteric meaning

Jahqueenlioness Flowers: Either way I still like the song. Thanks for your comment. Blessed day. Give thanks and big up yourself. I

Ital Iman: not to be rhetorical,but next you listen to the song,he is saying "could you be love and be loved,my point is the title that has caught on to the song is misleading,the whole meaning to the song is lost in the title being false... could you be loved and be loved is pointless poetically ... may your day be in the holy light of smiles under dancing sun-rays, for pure lyric is truth in those rays,all the flowers know it and they are laughing, "sun is shining" we free our people with music...

Jahqueenlioness Flowers: Iiiiii. Listen to the song every single day. I picked it apart. Yes I. Again....i still enjoy the song and will continue to listen to it. Sometimes you can apply the lyrics to your own life. Picking the lyrics apart and refusal to listen is ones personal choice. Let's not make controversy over his music when there are greater issues going on in this world. Am not being rude. I heard what you said first time. I understood!!!! Blessed day to you and your family. May all the rays of righteous light adorn your life. Thanks again.

The conversation above between myself and Jahqueenlioness even proved the point of the song,I tried to cause out she see...
we have no sense of what is truly important,and we have no sense of intent value
and that perception is most important but there are codes that reveal truth beyond ones limited perception,for instance there are 26 English alphabets,that determines the art of written and oral communications etc.there atre laws of mathematics which governs our universe,that are universal,2+2 and 2times two is four and can not be refuted

                                                please note that this is a blog in progress


OK my dear Negros,here it heard it here first:
The movie about the black cat found only in north and central America is a subtle LBGT propaganda and propagation master piece,allow me dear negros, cause out that you become aware and not hateful of truth.I will now pull the hoodwink and reptilian scales from over your 'black' eyes. recognize that the beard,the Rick Ross style is the new signal or sign for the homosexual male on the down-low,also note for a "black man hero to rise " so suddenly and powerful in Hollywood we who are in the know,know his initiation had to be sodomization. look at the hair styles of these men in the pictures below and check their demeanor,we must now have the gift of discernment,if not we will be tricked by this subtle serpent Babylon the whore ...yes as you are always, you fell for the 'okeydoke' again,talking about you are tired of slave movies and this move is a positive black role model.


(My view of the Black Panther Movie

Tonight I viewed The Black panther movie,I had started my discourse on it and researched it before viewing, before I bring you my final conclusions I would like to say that: Bob Marley is our king who was given the ring from the 225 kings of the solomonic blood line.
we don't need no more tribal wars at  all ...
The kingdom of wakanda worshiped the female Goddess Bastet.and for the weak minded young black males today that spells what this generation has dubbed The Divine feminine which spells in reality feminizing  the black male. wakanda represented the ancient wisdom of the Anunakki,who are hiding out until we summon or evoke them,represented or symbolized by the guy who played in the get out movie when he blew  the rams or cows horn to summon the giant rhinos, the promotion of gayness was obvious in the opening scene where the boy was dressed as girl hiding  out among  them. the vibranium of wakanda
is an esoteric eluding to the God force that was harnessed in ancient Egypt to build the  the pyramids,it is the invisible force that was known by  the ancient people as the god force, a force that only had to be recognized,that force was lost when the ego of the ancient kings took over and they saw themselves as God forgetting the all pervasive  intelligent invisible force that was always available to them and could be harnessed at will,as suggested by some this was not melanin,but melanin was important in being able to harness this force disguised as vibranium.the movie was rich in esoteric lore and hidden wisdom of the ancient black  gods,even the hidden mythical land wakanda is a reality in the sense that Anunakki are real but they purposefully remain hidden from the world at can think of wakanda as the middle or hollow earth even Antarctica.and upon earth we have conflicts with the different levels of consciousness such as the  unbridled rap and hip hop communities as depicted in the mindset of the nephew who tried to usurp   the throne .it must be realized the hidden agenda of the movie was to help push the gay agenda,but also hidden within was a message from the true and hidden ones Anunakki,there is a land and a people with wisdom and technology far in advance of the oppressive surface world and they are standing by to rescue the chosen and elect ones who have not been corrupted by the evil homosexual agenda of the rulers of this world,and all we have to do is call on them and utilize our powerful resources symbolized by vibranium,in other words use our brain and positive vibration which is the Rastafari vibration as written in the holy book of wonder, remember this movie was debuted in the month of black history under vibration of a new moon meaning time for and of change... in some instances the movie was downright was one of the most subtle movies ever put together,and over all great entertainment filled with current social issues concerning the black race if rightly understood. it marked the end of an era,revealed the defeat of the weaker ones of the black race,revealed their true colors,showing that the oppressive rulers have been successful in their effort to kill the black 85 percent of the race. over all missed by some this  movie could be titled  the rise of the hidden Jaguar wisdom... bottom line:the ancient black wisdom was highly visible and displayed in grand splendor,but we can not allow this wisdom to be taught or exploited in any way by the LBGTQ so-called Community , we saw all the ancient cultures here,Anasazi of Americans southwest ,Maya of  central America, Dogon of Mali west Africa there was a grand fusion of all of us.   presented and served up  on a golden platter of the LBGTQ agenda,and this part of our lives has to be healed and cut out like a deadly cancer...


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