Jonas Salk: Master Magician and the HeLa Ghost

A Black history month exclusive from The Pen of -Ital Iman

Jonas Salk: Master Magician

false-flag polio epidemic. exploitation of Henrietta Lacks
 Many of you have heard of the Holy Ghost,but have you heard of the HeLa GHOST

Ingredients Of The Polio Vaccine.
In order to develop a new vaccine, Salk needed cell cultures that he could first infect with polio, and then test the treatment. The cells that he used are known as HeLa cells, which in themselves carry a fascinating history. ... In 1951, Lacks was undergoing radiation treatment for cervical cancer.
The cancer cells, now called HeLa cells, grew rapidly in cell culture and became the first human cell line. HeLa cells were used by researchers around the world. However, 20 years after Henrietta Lacks' death, mounting evidence suggested that HeLa cells contaminated and overgrew other cell lines.
HeLa /ˈhiːlɑː/ (also Hela or hela) is a cell type in an immortal cell line used in scientific research. ... The line was derived from cervical cancer cells taken on February 8, 1951 from Henrietta Lacks, a patient who died of her cancer on October 4, 1951.

The woman's name was Henrietta Lacks. The cells, culled from her cancerous cervical tumor, are called HeLa. ... And they're still the most commonly used cells in research today, Skloot told CNN.Aug 11, 2013
'Immortal' Cells Of Henrietta Lacks Live On In Labs. The connected pairs of HeLa cells in this slide are individual cells dividing to form two new cells in a process called mitosis.

 ... Lacks died of cancer 60 years ago, but her cells — taken without her knowledge or consent — are still alive today.2-1-2018

But these are no ordinary cells. They're called, HeLa. And they were first used in research that led to the Polio vaccine, as well as helping to develop medicines to fight cancer, the flu and Parkinson's disease, and in the research that led to gene mapping and cloning
In 1954, over 300,000 doctors, nurses, schoolteachers and other volunteers across the United States, Canada and Finland took part in one of the most complex and monumental medical trials in history. The plan was to test the effectiveness of a newly-developed vaccine for a disease that was devastating the lives of children across the US: polio.

It was a mammoth task – a double-blind experiment, in which 650,000 schoolchildren were given the vaccine, 750,000 were given a placebo, and over 400,000 children acted as a control group and were given neither. For taking part, each participant was given a sweet and a certificate proclaiming their role as a ‘Polio Pioneer’. The results, announced in 1955, were just as monumental: the vaccine was safe and effective. As a direct result of the development of the vaccine, polio was completely eradicated in the US by 1979.

Anatomy and physiology of the cervix. The cervix is part of the female reproductive system. The female reproductive system is made up of internal organs, including the vagina, uterus, ovaries and Fallopian tubes. ... The cervix connects the main body of the uterus to the vagina, or birth canal.
The HeLa Gnome
 the HeLa genome was published in 2013 without the knowledge or consent of her family.

the doctor was afraid he would be sued so he kept quiet,the cells were also sent into space,,,

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus via the Polio Shot
The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40).

The CDC quickly took down the page, along with Google, but the site was luckily cached and saved to symbolize this grand admission.

To further confirm this unbelievable admission, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago Dr. Michele Carbone has been able to independently verify the presence of the SV40 virus in tissue and bone samples from patients who died during that era.

He found that 33% of the samples with osteosarcoma bone cancers, 40% of other bone cancers, and 60% of the mesothelioma’s lung cancers all contained this obscure virus.
This leaves the postulation that upwards of 10–30 million actually contracted and were adversely affected by this virus, to be deadly accurate.
Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in 1901. He did so at the behest of his right hand man, Frederick Taylor Gates – a former Baptist “modernist” minister who was really a charlatan with a penchant for amassing wealth under the guise philanthropic fronts. In other words, Gates would have made great television evangelist had television been in existence during his heyday.

"There is enough information available to conclude that scientific discoveries financially supported by the Rockefellers are used for the purpose of social control. You’re going to discover one of the ways the Rockefeller Institute “stacked the deck” in their favor".

Just a frew players in the GAME:
William Henry Welch
The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (RIMR) was created in 1901 through an endowment by the despised Oil Baron, John D. Rockefeller. William Welch was selected to serve as chairman of the advisory medical board of the RIMR. Several years later Welch also became a trustee to the Carnegie Institution in 1906 and chairman of the executive committee in 1909 making him the “…greatest Influential of medicine and biology and a leading figure in the physical sciences as well.”
Welch was a member of the Skull and Bones Fraternity  at Yale University and a member of the Board of Scientific Directors of the Eugenics Record Office (ERO).  John Rockefeller dutifully donated sums of $35 million and $65 million dollars respectively, the first two years of the ERO’s existence.

 Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk is best known for creating the Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV). Thomas Francis  was Salk’s mentor and trained Jonas on how to formulate vaccines. Salk tested the IPV on crippled and deformed children at the D.T. Watson Home for Crippled Children. This paved the way for larger trials.
The larger vaccine trials were deemed a “success” by Thomas Francis after testing the vaccine on millions of school children. Afterward, Salk was proclaimed a National Hero through a carefully planned public relations campaign sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company, a research / pharmaceutical company founded in May 1876 by Colonel Eli Lilly.

Yet there were problems with the vaccine; they were causing polio. Salk’s scientific “arch nemesis”, Albert Sabin, called Salk’s IPV vaccine “dangerous” in congressional testimony as the vaccine was causing acute flaccid paralysis.
Both Albert Sabin and Jonas Salk were members of the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis Committee on Virus Research.
"The cells of a human epithelial cancer cultivated en masse have been shown to support the multiplication of all three types of poliomyelitis virus. These cells (strain HeLa of Gey) have been maintained in vitro since their derivation from an epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix in February, 1951. As the virus multiplied it caused in from 12 to 96 hours degeneration and destruction of the cancer cells. The specific destructive effect of the virus was prevented by adding homotypic antibody to the cultures but not by adding heterotypic antibodies. Methods for the preparation of large numbers of replicate cultures with suspensions of strain HeLa cells were described. The cells in suspension were readily quantitated by direct counts in a hemocytometer. A synthetic solution that maintains cellular viability was employed for viral propagation. The experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of strain HeLa cells for (a) the quantitation of poliomyelitis virus, (b) the measurement of poliomyelitis antibodies, and (c) the production of virus".

The polio vaccines developed in the 1950s by Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin allegedly eradicated one of the most feared diseases of the 20th century. The media hailed the success of these vaccines as a modern day miracle. However, the polio story has a much darker side that has mostly been kept a secret.

Both Sabin’s live virus vaccine given orally and Salk’s inactivated virus vaccine given by injection were far from perfect. In fact, in 1955 the vaccine used in Berkley, California infected some 200 children, leaving several dead and many paralyzed. Yet this incident proved minor compared to what was later discovered.

In order to grow large quantities of the polio virus, scientists needed to use Rhesus monkey kidney cells, which carried many different viruses. As a result, their polio vaccine became contaminated with a cancer-causing virus carried by these monkeys. This vaccine was given to almost 100 million people.
The virus found in this particular polio vaccine was SV40, or simian virus. It is present in human tumors, and research has established it to be a contributing factor in the rise of many types of cancer, including mesothelioma, bone, and brain cancer.

When the government became aware of this, it was downplayed for fear the public would stop accepting vaccination.

a presentation given at the 1954 Third International Poliomyelitis Conference. In it, Nobel Prize winner John Enders demonstrated how the polio virus can be grown on Human Papilloma Cells “affectionately” known as HeLa cells.

HeLa cells were mass produced by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis at the Tuskegee Institute and eventually contaminated cell lines used to produce the Salk vaccine.This brings us back to Francis.

[The HeLa cells are used to grow other viruses]
1]these cells shaped the policies of governments world-wide
2]was part of the cold war,they belived that within here cells were the key to counquering death
3]the cells were sent into space with two white mice,to see what would happen to human flesh in zero gravity ?
4] cosmetic companies brought the sells to test for side effects of their new products ?
5] millitary placed large glass full of the cells next to atomic test blast to see what effect radiation would be on human tissue ? (did they spread it in the atomic bomb at that time? is it in the chem-trails today
6] then came polio,they wanted to know if cancer was infectious,was itv a virus like polio so they mixed could you be able to kill cancer with those cells when those cells would not die,they knew those cells were also air born,had reached even unto russia,it was even spreading around in hospital from the start,,so from the prison experiments they secretively learned that they could cause other cells to grow invetro useing the HeLa cells,but they did not tell any one,all of a sudden other cells began to grow invetro when before HeLa nothing would grow,this is just like the missing link in evolution...some cells they say were cancerous and some were normal,suddenly began to grow outside the body,invetro,was it because of the big bang?  the chief of virology at Sloan-Kettering Institute of Cancer Research, who first injected prisoners with HeLa cells in 1954 to see whether the cancer cells would establish themselves in the subjects. In some patients they did. note: atomic bomb was droped 1945-prison experiments were done 1954,military had did experiments with the effects of atomic radiation on the cells long before,even sent the cells into space to see the effect in space on the cells,and atomic bomb was droped from high altitude ? "trillions more of Lacks's cells exist in laboratories around the world than ever populated her body. These cells are routinely used to evaluate the efficacy of molecules developed by chemists, and many of the drugs and vaccines we take would not be possible without the cells of this mostly unknown woman."
1860 slave master took black mystristress from a mong his workers
in 1942 his great grand daughter moved to the city world war tw0
George Otto Gey was the cell biologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital who is credited with propagating the HeLa cell line. He spent over 35 years developing numerous scientific breakthroughs under the Johns Hopkins Medical School and Hospital (lived not to far from the farm)
Dr. George Gey and his wife Margaret had been trying to grow cells outside the human body for thirty years when Henrietta Lacks walked into Johns Hopkins (invetro)


"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks"
By Rebecca Skloot
Crown, 369 pages, $26
[George howard jones was the GYN who sent sample to guy]
Dr. George Gey and his wife Margaret had been trying to grow cells outside the human body for thirty years when Henrietta Lacks walked into Johns Hopkins Hospital in February 1951 with unexplained blood on her underwear. It turned out that the 30-year old mother of five had a monstrously aggressive case of cervical cancer. During an examination, her doctor, Richard Wesley TeLinde, a prominent cervical cancer specialist, took a tissue sample from Lacks’ cervix without her knowledge or consent, and passed it to his colleague Gey. There was nothing unusual about the sample, the way in which it was taken, or where it ended up: there was no notion of informed consent in 1951 (the phrase first appeared in 1957). Hopkins was a university hospital, a site of scientific research as well as healing. As part of his own research on cervical cancer, TeLinde often collected tissue samples from patients and delivered the samples to Gey, hoping that Gey could coax the cells to reproduce and form the basis for further research. Gey’s goal was to develop a continuing line of cells all descended from one sample: what biologists called an immortal cell line. This had been accomplished with mouse cells in 1943, but so far Gey's human experiments had failed.

Henrietta Lacks' normal cells died like all the others. But her cancer cells did not. To the contrary, they thrived, growing at an impossible rate, doubling their numbers every 24 hours. It was the practice of the day to identify cells by the initials of the donor’s first and last name; Gey dubbed this line HeLa (pronounced "heelah"). HeLa were sturdy and unfussy about their environment, the cellular equivalent of crabgrass. It was later discovered that HeLa cells were also mobile, traveling through the air on dust particles or on the gloves of researchers, and very invasive: they colonized any cells they came into contact with in the laboratory. In the mid-1960s, scientists were dismayed to realize that all eighteen of the supposedly new cell lines discovered since 1951 were really the result of undetected contamination by HeLa cells. HeLa even slipped across the Iron Curtain. When Soviet scientists reported isolating what they thought was a virus that caused cancer in 1972, cell samples thought to be from a Russian patient turned out to be HeLa instead. There are other lines of immortal cells—Jurkat cells, for example, are an immortalized line of T lymphocyte cells that are used to study acute T cell leukemia, as are all stem cell lines. But no cell line has ever behaved the way that HeLa did; none has ever reproduced as easily or as massively.

When Gey discovered how robust HeLa was, he began sending samples to other scientists to grow and use for their own experiments. HeLa cells were exposed to radiation, X-rays, toxins; chemotherapy drugs, steroids hormones, vitamins; infected with tuberculosis, herpes, measles, mumps. In 1952, in the midst of a deadly polio epidemic and not long after Henrietta Lacks had succumbed to her cancer, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis financed the mass production of HeLa cells in order to conduct large-scale tests on Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine. The NFIP decided to locate their HeLa production center at Tukegee Institute. Mass production of the cells helped George Gey and National Institutes of Health (NIH) researcher Harry Eagle standardize cell culture by ascertaining the best culture medium and glassware for HeLa. Standardization increased production with cells just as it had with automobiles a generation earlier, and vat after vat of HeLa rolled out of the labs at Tuskegee and were sent wherever they were needed.

No one holds a patent on HeLa. Neither Henrietta Lacks, whose tissue sample spawned HeLa, nor anyone in her family has ever received any form of compensation for it. Neither of the agents of its discovery and propagation—George Gey or Johns Hopkins University Hospital—ever made money off of it. Others did, however. Microbiological Associates, which later became part of Invitrogen and BioWhittaker, two of the largest bio-tech companies in the world, got its start in Baltimore selling and distributing HeLa. Today, writes Skloop, “Invitrogen sells HeLa products that cost anywhere from a hundred dollars to nearly ten thousand dollars per vial.” The American Type Culture Collection, a non-profit organization that supports the maintenance and production of pure cultures for scientific research, sells HeLa vials for approximately $250. A search of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office database, Skloot informs us, “turns up more than seventeen thousand patents involving HeLa cells.”

HeLa's remarkable properties caught the attention in 1954 of a public already riveted on the massive clinical trials being conducted to determine the safety and effectiveness of Jonas Salk's killed polio virus vaccine. Before HeLa, the cells scientists used to test the vaccine came from monkey kidneys. Without HeLa, the Salk trial would have required the slaughter of thousands of monkeys, which were expensive to buy or to raise. It is little wonder that journalists looking for a human interest slant to science reporting turned to the woman who had spawned HeLa, although we should not be as quick as they to dub Henrietta Lacks an “unsung heroine of medicine.” The reason that there are more than 17,000 patents “involving HeLa cells” is that they are, like monkey cells, a medium for scientific research, the cellular equivalent of a Petri dish. The original source of HeLa cells is no more responsible for the scientific advances produced using them than agar gelatin is for the bacteria and viruses that thrive on it. Henrietta Lacks is no more, and no less, worthy of veneration for her contribution to science than the monkeys whose kidneys were harvested in the same cause. If these assertions prove offensive—and it is likely that they do—it is because the source of this incredible medium, this scientific tool that is HeLa, was a human being.

Over the past half century, scientific fields that have been built not on agar but on human bodies (such microbiology and genetics) have raised thorny problems of property rights and medical ethics. Readers of "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" may be surprised to discover that they retain no property interest in parts of their bodies that are separated from them with their consent. If my dermatologist removes a mole, does she have the right to store it to experiment on, or send it to a tissue depository for the use of other scientists? (Yes.) Can I limit what kind of research is carried out using my tissue sample? (No.) If someone patents a discovery made in part thanks to my blood or tissue, can he sell it without telling me or sharing the proceeds? (Yes.) The alienation of labor no longer shocks the way it did in the nineteenth century—we accept without surprise that our employers generally own the rights to the fruits of our work—but the alienation of our own bodies still does. It is this sense of violation, of theft, that animates Lacks’ sons Lawrence and Sonny in their fruitless quest for compensation from Johns Hopkins, and that accounts for much of the energy in Skloot’s narrative.

The broad bioethical stakes at the core of "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" are obscured in good measure by Skloot’s emphasis on Lacks’s race. Henrietta Lacks was African American. George Gey knew this all along, of course, and in 1966 he told this to Stanley Garnter, the geneticist who discovered that HeLa had contaminated all the other cell lines. This fact was not revealed to the public until 1976, however, when a reporter for Rolling Stone announced it. Henrietta Lacks the person soon proved to be as fertile a medium for narrative as HeLa was for scientific experimentation; people could build all sorts of arguments on her. With the Black Panthers denouncing what they considered a racist health-care system and setting up free clinics for black people in local parks, the racial story behind Henrietta Lacks, Skloop writes, was impossible to ignore. “Henrietta was a black woman born of slavery and sharecropping who fled north for prosperity, only to have her cells used as tools by white scientists without her consent. It was a story of white selling black. . . . It was also the story of cells from an unaccredited black woman becoming one of the most important tools in medicine.”

The two story lines revealed here—that of Henrietta’s cells becoming “one of the most important tools in medicine” and a much broader one of “white selling black”—are connected by foundational acts of expropriation and exploitation, but they run on parallel rather than intersecting tracks. Ever since Douglas North argued in 1961 that the cotton economy of the South was the rocket that propelled the antebellum American economy, historians have credited the legions of unpaid slave laborers for their crucial contribution to the economic prominence of the United States. But if slave labor underlay early American economic development, the slaves themselves did not benefit from their labor. Indeed, they paid a tangible if unquantifiable corporeal cost for the alienation and expropriation of their bodies through coerced labor and involuntary sex and childbearing. Layer onto this history that of lynching, in which white mobs frequently took home “trophies;” the horrifying mid-century story of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments (in which black men infected with syphilis were denied penicillin and allowed to die); and the broader social background of legal discrimination by race, and it becomes unsurprising that many African Americans in the mid-twentieth century, especially those whose families included the children or grandchildren of slaves, felt strongly about issues of bodily integrity, and saw violations of individual bodies as political acts. Henrietta Lacks, it bears mentioning, was born in a slave cabin in South-side Virginia.

It is one thing to understand why Lacks’s family, whose members struggle with deep poverty, chronic joblessness, drug addiction and ill health view her story through the prism of race. Skloot follows the family and treats the general issue of bioethics as a race issue, which obscures the much more important underlying biomedical property question that affects all bodies regardless of race. The race question is the most compelling component of the book, but it is also the most misleading.

The story of HeLa and of Henrietta Lacks is not simple, and Skloot struggles in places with order and chronology and plot line, and sometimes confuses irony with argumentation. Where she succeeds magnificently is in her depiction of the Lacks family, particularly Henrietta’s daughter Deborah, a fragile personality with whom Skloot spent many months. Skloot’s unvarnished presentation of this family raises many questions, not the least of which is whether such a thing as “informed consent” is even possible for people who lack basic education. When Hopkins researchers in 1973 wanted DNA samples from Henrietta’s family to compare to HeLa’s DNA, they sent a postdoctoral student to draw blood. Here is what Henrietta’s husband Day recalled the postdoc as saying: “They said they got my wife and she part alive. They said they been doing experiments on her and they wanted to come test my children see if they got that cancer killed their mother.” Henrietta’s husband and children gave only blood. Other people in even more extreme social circumstances—such as the desperately poor men and women in Africa and Asia who barter their flesh in the international organ market—give much more, and likely more than they bargained.

Although Henrietta’s sons hope for some sort of compensation someday, Deborah was finally concerned chiefly with recognition. She wanted to see her mother’s contribution to science acknowledged by those whose work depended on HeLa. She wanted her mother, who lies in an unmarked grave in a family burial ground in Virginia, to be remembered. Henrietta’s cousin Cootie identified the problem for Skloot: “It sound strange, but her cells done lived longer than her memory.” With this compassionate and moving book, Rebecca Skloot has restored some of the balance.
Dolly (sheep) Dolly (5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003) was a female domestic sheep, and the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer.
Adult stem cell. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells found throughout the body that divide to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues. Also known as somatic stem cells, they can be found in children, as well as adults.

Nuclear transfer is a form of cloning. The steps involve removing the DNA from an oocyte (unfertilised egg), and injecting the nucleus which contains the DNA to be cloned. In rare instances, the newly constructed cell will divide normally, replicating the new DNA while remaining in a pluripotent state. If the cloned cells are placed in the uterus of a female mammal, a cloned organism develops to term in rare instances. This is how Dolly the Sheep and many other species were cloned. Cows are commonly cloned to select those that have the best milk production.

Dolly was a female domestic sheep, and the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. Wikipedia
Born: July 5, 1996, Scotland, United Kingdom
Died: February 14, 2003
Named after: Dolly Parton
Cause of death: Lung disease and severe arthritis
Offspring: Six lambs (Bonnie; twins Sally and Rosie; triplets Lucy, Darcy and Cotton)
Resting place: National Museum of Scotland (remains on display)
Children: Rosie, Lucy, Bonnie, Sally, Darcy, Cotton


Dolly was cloned by Keith Campbell, Ian Wilmut and colleagues at the Roslin Institute, part of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and the biotechnology company PPL Therapeutics, based near Edinburgh. The funding for Dolly's cloning was provided by PPL Therapeutics and the UK's Ministry of Agriculture. She was born on 5 July 1996 and died from a progressive lung disease five months before her seventh birthday.She has been called "the world's most famous sheep" by sources including BBC News and Scientific American.
The cell used as the donor for the cloning of Dolly was taken from a mammary gland, and the production of a healthy clone therefore proved that a cell taken from a specific part of the body could recreate a whole individual. On Dolly's name, Wilmut stated "Dolly is derived from a mammary gland cell and we couldn't think of a more impressive pair of glands than Dolly Parton's".The Ghost Of HeLa
they crired trouble in cell biology,but they had learned from early trial and error that the cells could travel and they had taken or sent them even into I have said anf figured,HeLa is why all other cells became Invetro
They were looking for the cancer virus they said and claimed,now remember that was just a thought only when the polio virius apeared and they thought to use HaLa to fnd out if cancer was also a virus but what was happen in reality was they was keeping polio alive,through HeLa or by means of it,does that make sense?

LOL Then in 1972 the russians came out and said that had found the cancer virus
HeLa proved that Blacks and whites had different cells(there is a difference in blood)
Many of you have heard of the Holy Ghost,but have you heard of the HeLa GHOST
then when the war for the search for the cancer virus died they came up with another theory that it was genetic...
then the fools used HeLa to try and prove the genetic theory
this is when gene maping started from HeLa
it took the family by surprise when they came for them to get blood samples to study her genetics,it was a shock to the family member when they found out her cells were still alive and science had been working with them and studying them for years...


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