The clock of now

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The Clock Of Now Campaign Wonder {'An Underground News Network Expose'} |
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"We are 21st century 'Black' revolutionaries whose weapon is the pen-words are ammunition of choice, our divine gift-violence is the way of the savage beast- The language of relativity is the language of all things which is a language all unto itself being universal...
Right information programs the mind for knowing-the universal language has the effect of the Zen Koan - so one can see [the light beyond the leaves,] the surface, and know the depth or obscure meaning; sound and light transcends the boundaries of time.
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The Underground News Network Team
July 27 2004

"It's the last days of life, of beauty, all the horrors and hypocrisy in the world today." People neglecting other people's problems, it's what needs doing, socially, spiritually and domestically. I can only do it through song, and try to be positive about it."
A girl came up to me once and said she been going to commit suicide, but then she heard some of my music and she changed her mind. I told her 'I'm glad you did, and I'm glad the music helped.' You've got to take responsibility, you've got to be there to help the people who listen to you when they need help-I mean, they made you, there has to be a reason why they made you." he closed one interview fatalistically with the observation, "I'll be here until I die."
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-Stevie Wonder
"Innervisions" was the first step towards the increasingly spiritual introspective phase of Stevie's writing, and Higher Grounds in particular was a marked departure from his previous work. Stevie says he realized its significance as soon as he wrote it.
-John Swenson
"Higher Grounds was a very special song," I wrote on May 11th. [Bob Marley died on that date 1980] I remember the date. I did the whole thing- the words, the music and recorded the tract-in three hours. That’s the first time I ever finished a song so fast. It was as if I had to get it done. I felt something was going to happen. I didn't know what or when, but I felt something."
-Stevie Wonder

He told a rolling stone reporter he felt he was going to die soon. He had trouble explaining why he felt that way, he just kept having premonitions. "I'm not on drugs, I'm not into flying private planes, I don't have any reason to kill myself and I don't know any one who would want to kill me."

Ital Iman I, being a spiritual scientist, and it has been the hypothesis of his thesis that during the coma the soul or shall we say spirit of Stevie Wonder was taken up To the star ship Nibiru and programmed by The Anunnaki for upon his recovery his music had took yet a deeper turn in an esoteric way, he only after the accident started delivering cryptic messages in his music and song, Ital Iman I in his life's work "The Holy Book Of Wonder" reveals this message which is central in the works of Stevie Wonder.

Stevie Wonder told us to get it together and get it back to him... from that day it has become my life's work, I have did nothing else save that, get it together, I have suffered beyond your wildest dreams, but with the faith of 'Noah' have I survived.
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"Wonder also acts as a kind of religious leader to his followers. His moral authority and intense spirituality have been evident ever since he began to record albums reflecting his private visions in the early seventies. Now, at the age of 36 Wonder has been declared the unofficial leader of America's black community." [-John Swenson] from his book – Stevie Wonder.
The warning above [The Clock of Now] to the South African officials during apartheid days has now come full circle to haunt Stevie Wonder himself who sang, "freedom is coming…hold on tight."
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The Underground News Network is concerned about his health, he has become well overweight, the people around him have used him and neglected his health ...
After the album Hotter than July Stevie was inactive for a period with his own work. He intensified his work in the studio with other artists, he wrote a timely hit for Jermaine Jackson called Let's Get Serious. He then went on to collaborate with the reggae band Third World on their powerful hit album, "You've Got The Power."
This was also Stevie's way of sending out a message to The Rastafari community When we traveled to DC in 1981 to the Rally for Peace Press Conference as it was called [to get the King bill passed] Ital Iman had formed with the former DJ Michael David Johnson {WAPE} a concert promotions company called Zion Productions, this was on the information given Stevie's then road manager Reggie Wiggins. On the hit song from the Third World album "You've Got the Power" the hot track [They're Playing Us Too Close] you can hear the words "Zion Productions."
There were two songs written by Stevie Wonder on this album, the other hit was [Try Jah Love] Stevie had met members of Third World in Jamaica in 1969, keeping in touch over the years till 1982 they then worked together on the [Third World-You've Got the Power] project.

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Some a dem rap, none a dem a holler 'Cause Jah say all the musicians shall be there The players on instruments shall gather at His feet... From You're Playing Us Too Close -Stevie Wonder |
1981 was a turning point for the world in many ways Bob Marley had been Murdered in a grand conspiracy of The Hidden Government, which we reveal in our Underground News Network publication [Fire-in-Dub] The Rastafari movement was no longer led by reggae music, so what we see in the world today is not Rastafari, our website is a monument to this proof that the movement had gone to another level at the passing of The Prophet Bob Marley.
![The Honorable Robert Nesta Marley [Bob Marley]](
Shortly after 60 Minutes did the documentary on Bob Marley in 1980 where The Nyabingi order expressed the sentiment of The Movement "kill the pope" and 60 Minutes dubbed Marley The new Pope Of Reggae music and Rastafari, he was killed.
We paid over $300.00 for a copy of that tape from CBS. The program opened up with the Bobo Ashanti Beating the base drum {the pope killer} to the four corners of the earth, 'the four directions' The message of Rastafari had then truly and officially went out to the world, for things had changed. The Tape Became a teaching tool, Ital Iman I began teaching the Higher and esoteric message, at the same time the white cultural bandits were trying to influence the movement in full force, Marley was gone and the world thought The Light of Rastafari Movement was put out.... Stevie Wonder had become the New Prophet. The ancient Black Kabalah had been revived.

But for all Stevie's good fortune, there were problems, he was well insulated from outsiders by a small army of handlers and hangers-on headed up by his brothers Milton, who headed up his office and Calvin who stayed close to Stevie's person at all times. Various internal disputes served to create an atmosphere of mistrust and juggling for power in Stevie's organization. Perhaps the greatest damage resulted from problems was the split between Stevie and his production team of Robert Margoulef and Malcolm Cecil. Which collaboration had produced Stevie's first records "Music on My Mind" "Talking Book" "Innervisions" "Fulfillingness First Finale" without them, Stevie has failed to this day to match the string of excellence with subsequent releases. It was clear from remarks made to Newsweek's Maureen Orten in 1974 that Margoulef and Cecil were having trouble with Stevie's people.
Taken from the Book - "Stevie Wonder" by John Swenson
Harper and Rowe Publishers

Offield Dukes, of Offield Dukes & Associates Public Relations Firm, Washington D.C., handled the public relations for the Rally for Peace Press Conference in 1981. Ital Iman and Michael David Johnson communicated with Offield Dukes daily after the march in an effort to gain his assistance as a liaison between us and Stevie's people. He related to us that Stevie's people were very nasty to him and he did not wish to engage in any future business dealings with them. He felt that they were "shady" characters. Twenty years later, Ital contacted Offield again concerning the Wonder Project, below is Offield's reply.
From : "Ofield Dukes" Reply-To : To : Subject : RE: Rally for peace press conference 1981 Date : Wed, 11 Jul 2001 08:22:06 -0400 |
I want to commend you for your
determination and creativity regarding your project. I wish I could
offer some meaningful and insightful suggestion about getting to Stevie,
but I have been away from that situation from years. I don't do
anything with entertainers now, especially since the death of my good
friend LeBaron Taylor, who was Senior VP of Sony Music Entertainment.
During the Stevie Woner March to make Dr. King's birthday a national
holiday, Ewart Abner, whom I knew from my days in Detroit when he was an
executive at Motown, was my main contact. I am sorry I cn't be more
helpful to you. God bless you and keep the faith! ![]() |
In the year 1983, while at Black Bull Music, Inc. Stevie Wonder's studio, Burbank California, in a heated argument with Stevie Wonder's brother Milton Hardaway, face-to-face, Ital Iman I was told, "I will never let you see Stevie, you will never talk to him. Stevie is crazy!" Milton said, "That is why Stevie's sees a psychiatrist," and told Ital he must be a part of some experiment. For the past 23 years, Ital Iman has been kept away from Stevie Wonder by Milton Hardaway. The Underground News Network chooses at this time to go public with this expose to reveal to the world the evil that surrounds the most important spiritual leader at this time on planet Earth.
Leaving American Beach, Florida September 11, 2002 commemorating the 2001 Twin Tower incidents, the Underground News Network on September 15th pulled in 823 Carob Court, Palmdale California the home of Melody McCully-Morris, Stevie Wonder's ex-wife, mother of his son Moontaz. Knocking on the door, the now stout, short woman, in tight spandex pants, came to the door as we were explaining to her who we were and introducing ourselves she said, "I know who you are, and I knew sooner or later you would be coming to my front door." It was in the early eighties we first met, she even gave Ital and his family a ride back to the Los Angeles Greyhound Bus Station. For over an hour we sat in her living room expressing our desire to speak with Stevie and explaining further to her of the Wonder Project. A few times in the conversation, she said she could contact Stevie for us but she never did. She told us the story of the 100th Monkey Effect and tried to convince us that Stevie had not evolved to the spiritual level we were on but he was slowly getting there she said. She said she had told him about us, but she knew he did not understand. She tried to convince us that Stevie was just an ordinary man; we later realized that she was hurt due to their separation; we feel this is why she is keeping our endeavor from happening. We thought it strange there were no pictures of Stevie on the wall or in the house. Since our meeting, Melody has changed residence and phone numbers.
Queen Neka I Jul 2, 2002 (00h43) For Press Release: "The Wonder Project" A Directive From - Ital Iman I Coordinator: The Republic Of The New/Original Rastafari Director Of The Rastafari Jihad Founder Of The Wonder Project Author Of The Holy Book Of Wonder... Ontological Terrorism On September 11 2002, The second phase of "The Rastafari Jihad" will explode with the brilliance of a billion suns in commemoration of the parable of the September 11, 2001 Twin Towers incident - the target being Black Bull Studio, Burbank California, A Stevie Wonder Production. Representatives of The Wonder Project will picket/demonstrate at Stevie Wonder's studio, 4616 West Magnolia Boulevard, Burbank California, to bring attention to The Wonder Project and the fact that Mr. Milton Hardaway, Stevie Wonder's brother, has been keeping messages from his blind brother, thus hindering the progress of The Wonder Project. Ones should call Black Bull Studio and ask for Mr. Hardaway's voicemail, you will see by its unprofessional overtone, that it is used for his own personal use and not for busines as normal. The Wonder Project is now 23 years documented within "The Holy Book Of Wonder", written by Ital Iman I over a 23 year span of time. For more information on the protest or The Wonder Project e-mail or visit our website at |
In 1983, Ital Iman walked into the studio Black Bull, they have since made walking in impossible. The city mailbox has been moved along with the mass transit bus stop from affront the inconspicuous building. Even the local police officers were not aware of who owned the building or who worked there. We were confronted by the local police, while surveying Black Bull, called by their own security. We were given an appointment by Brian Lagoda to meet him at the Peninsula Hotel in Hollywood California, where we talked of our endeavor to personally speak with Stevie Wonder. He abruptly told us, "You don't need to talk to Stevie." He advised us to get a 501-3( c ) Tax Exempt status and we could negotiate a benefit concert that way. But our need is a personal interface to explain the details.

In Sunrise City in the early eighties, in Florida outside of Fort Lauderdale, Ital walked up on stage with a letter written in Braille, sat beside Stevie Wonder at his keyboard during the completion of the song Master Blaster Jammin, Stevie spoke loudly over his microphone, "Somebody just gave me a letter in Braille," and held it up in the air and said, "here it is right here." After the concert, Ital approached the press area he was confronted by the words of two Jews dressed in black suits, "We don't want to see that man in the Kung Fu suit." Again Ital Iman was denied to speak with Stevie Wonder by the inner circle and covert force that surrounds him.

In 1981, at the Rally for Peace Press Conference in D.C., Reggie Wiggins, one time road manager was given a rough draft of the Wonder Project by Ital Iman I. He held it up as he walked out of the building acknowledging it smiling. It was called the Zion Prophecy then in a hand written blue tablet manuscript, which was a draft of a Peace Concert starring Stevie Wonder.

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