12/7/2003 - Jacksonville, Florida - 10:00am - EMERGENCY ISRAEL SOLIDARITY RALLY, Jerusalem Prayer Team, Adams Mark Hotel, 2nd Floor Conference Room; Reception desk attendees stunned by UNN investigative reporters presence, we received name tags and fill out contact information. Jews and their Christian lovers welcome us in. being politically correct or social; upon entering the room filled with 50 chairs for ones gathered; rally called by Mike Evans:- Author of The Jerusalem Scrolls. We were met by two women who came to greet us, an elder woman with no name tag and a younger woman who's name tag said {Destiny}. The elder woman wore dark purple clothing and a gold chain with Star of David pendent, shook my hand looking into my eyes asking "Do you love the Jews?" my reply... "not exactly I'm interested as a media person." The younger woman {Destiny} asked my name and she felt as if she knew me-asked did I do a radio program in Jacksonville. I told her yes about a year ago - I asked did she remember me by name or voice...she didn't know. The name "Ital Iman I" was not one I was using at this rally.
The mystery here was after we were seated, we saw that the elder woman was the wife of Judge Neisburg who sat beside him at his right hand and their daughter Destiny at her right hand on the front row a front we were judged by the question of the judges wife "Do you love The Jews." This is a very special event at the ADAMS MARK Hotel...and if you were asked O readers of News of your love for The Jews knowing their history and nature what would be your reply of things concerning the spirit; ones of the one must be careful for we are judged by our every action and words which leave our ye prepared for the door of truth is open...
**Mrs. Neisburg (we presume), accompanied by a younger woman who we assumed to be her daughter, "Destiny" as clearly handwritten on her nametag. We assume this lady in purple is Mrs. Neisburg as her and the Judge sat closely side by side throughout the presentation, exchanging words throughout. Judge Neisburg's name was clearly displayed on his nametag in what we believe to be his own handwriting.**
Opening: Inspirational music "Keeper of Israel" video, Tom Aultry (also present working slides)
Scriptures referenced throughout presentation: Psalm 122:6; Isaiah 14, 19, 40:3, 49:22, 51:3; II Corinthians 11:13
Closing: Video "Jerusalem City of Tears" promotion of proposed commercial to run repeatedly on major television network stations soliciting contributions of $10,000 from local business owners in order to run video...
Speaker: Michael D. Evans; Age 55; Stated that he was from Texas and Russian Jew descendent, his mother was a victim of Hitler's assault on the Jews; 17 books, 24 specials; boasted of fasting for 61 days; felt need to be comedic throughout his talk. Internet Article "America the Target"
Played video of a song he sang and composed "Keeper of Israel" with the chorus being..."I keep my eyes on you" then came the dynamic introduction of the speaker of the morning:-Michael D. Evans, Author of seven best selling books; which have been produced into award winning television specials, including the blockbusting B. Dalton, Walden books, and Time Magazine bestseller, THE RETURN; in addition to being a close friend to Jerusalem's only mayors, Teddy Kollek and Ehud Olmert, he has been confidant to the majority of the prime ministers of Israel in the last decade and a half; Mike Evans was one of the only handful of distinguished Americans invited to the state funeral of Yitzhak Rabin; and as a Journalist has covered the vast majority of significant events affecting Jerusalem over the last decade; Mike Evans covered the middle east peace conference at the royal palace in Madrid where he was the first to bring up the issue of Jerusalem at then secretary of state James Baker's press conference; again he was the first to bring up this issue at Yasser Arafat's press conference at the specially convened United nations session in Geneva. Mike Evans was dressed in black:-he called the 19 highjackers of 911 demons-and said when they loose their life the demons would go into others who would take their place...
The emergency of this rally called was to bring awareness to the fact that if America went to war with Iraq; that Israel would be in the crosshairs he stated that parks were already set aside for graveyards...
Mike Evens is a Jew who doubles as a Christian preacher to win souls for the cause of the Jews...there are many passing as Christians/preachers of Christ who are Jews with an agenda to recruit as many non Jews to help save them in the time of their known end. They ask America to stand in the gap; this is indeed Satan's Last Stand... "for such are false apostles deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ." [II Cor. 11:13] and it is written:-I sat among the congregation of Satan, We bring his plan to you; [there is also a plan afoot to exodus millions of Russian Jews to Israel this very moment, I ask why when Israel stand in the crosshairs of war] Topping the story we give you the following format of the above:
Summary of Discussion **Throughout the majority of the presentation Mr. Evans speaks of his every thought or action as if it were a divine revelation to him from "God."
- Surgery on neck in Jacksonville, FL at University Hospital 8 hours requiring numerous stitches and he was adamant about not taking blood during surgery; spoke of resembling "Frankenstein's Monster" afterwards
- Wore mask for a period of time after surgery
- Within a week of surgery made decision to go to Saudi Arabia
- Was able to receive a VISA to Saudi with little or no difficulty... made references to Billy Grahm being unable to obtain a VISA to Saudi
- Chose Dahrain International Airport as a place to preach; stayed at the Golf Meridian Hotel, room 212
- Decided to ask the first man he met "Let me go with you"; stated the first man he came upon was wearing a dress...
**Homophobic? Made more than one reference to homosexuality during his talk...1. not wanting to be mistaken for a gay man, 2. stating the man was wearing a "dress" in a joking manner, knowing the customary attire for Moslems are the traditional robes, garbs etc.**
- showing some apprehension the man agreed to meet him at 6:15 am the next day in the airport
- Spent remainder of day preaching and also enlisted the vocals of a traveling Black Army soldier to sing Eyes on the Sparrow, commented on how well the young man sang
- Both parties appeared the following day, only this time the man was wearing military uniform of a 4-star General...realized this man was Mohammed Khalid a top Saudi Military official
- Mohammed Khalid, supposedly honoring the request of Mr. Evans from the previous day let him go with him
- Arriving to the plane there were groups of Saudi soldiers awaiting Khalid?s arrival
- "Something" came to Mr. Evans to stand directly in front of a particular soldier and say "Phil" aloud
- The soldier that immediately snaps to attention "just happened" to be named Phil and a part of Operation Bright Star
- Phil is participating in Covert Ops for the U.S. undercover as a soldier of Khalid's army, and assumed Mr. Evans was from the U.S. Defense and commanded his attention
- apparently the soldier's cover is blown... No tale of any repercussions for this undercover soldier...
- Mr. Evans accompanies Mohammad Khalid to a meeting; this meeting was entirely in Arabic and the subject Military Strategies of the Saudi all of which he is a witness
- Some way Mr. Evans and Mr. Khalid part ways after this meeting...
- He went on to Iraq then Turkey; present in Somalia in 93 when the Blackhawk went down; Rowanda.
Ital Iman I
Editor in Chief
Underground News Network - UNN™
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