Pittura Infamante, Operation DSP: Deep Shadow Propaganda.The blessing of strong enemies

Pittura Infamante

An objective teleological essay by Ital Iman
 Intelligence analyst: Independent Journalist,Author,foremost exponent Rastafari mystery.
Ital Iman was only Black media source to cover the Beltway sniper trial of John Allen Muhammad in 2003
his coverage of the trial was picked up by Washington Post.Author of Word is Bond-The Trial of John Allen Muhammad

over the past 11 days we have witnessed a maze of theories  via youtube  ,social media as to what took place 3-31-2019 and why, now that all the cards are on the table and the information has become exhausted here we give you the clear picture for ones having eyes to see, all will not see it for indeed it is esoteric, designed for the chosen few as such wisdom always is. this information is void of the demon cuss  (cursed)words that has possessed our people. This is to bring them to that level we as a unit suppose to be here at the dawn of the age of Aquarius. We ask you to study the video at the end,it is my desire you make it through this essay and come out with great overstanding for this is not entertainment.

The blessing of strong enemies 
22 mins later he was dead

The Mode of Operation is a mixture of truth with lies and great fabrication.
On the highest level of intelligence the grays are to be viewed as robot like creation
Created to carry out scientific experiments on earth, their handlers or creators have never been seen by The Government propaganda machine, known as the powers that be. Who tell us there are about sixty spices of aliens, the same people who now tell us there are a multiplicity of genders…they tell us there are aliens but this is not mentioned in any ancient text. Bible Quran or any other… and we have people in culture communities who believe in aliens when Sumerian tablet number 10 tell us who built pyramid and what they look like.
We are witnessing mass mind control at its finest hour. Enter the matrix of deep shadow propaganda:
which is the :

'Synagogue of Satan' 

These are ones who control the events of human affairs by false law of time.their main arena is the music industry.but know o ones of the one that within the false flag is hidden truth.the black nation is the Christ,though they want us to think by their propaganda that among us there is no unity.these are the words of power,for knowledge was power in the days of our fathers so is it currently.my words are audible to spiritual ears only.the synagogue of Satan;they murder by the numbers.For every thing is a  closed book sealed,here is it open to those chosen to read the pages there of:

Those who know don’t say. martial law on Crenshaw.
Crowd control  from orders on high, another  angel has fold his arms to say goodbye  to join the saints robed in light separated by the long night.
Like they said of Malcolm: “that’s to much power for one man“. This is but a low budget movie well scripted.
It was rumored  in the hood along the grapevine that the alleged assassin was a rat,and confronted by the rapper as to what he was doing in his arena shamed to return and bring wrath on his most powerful accuser. This was the intelligence on the grapevine or ghetto wire service many hours before mainstream media broke the story of the rat.,who escaped the scene with the aid of a female accomplice taking over 24 hours to be apprehended by authorities.
Here we present objective reasoning as to social engineering. Nipsey  Hussle  was taken out of the revolutionary equation at age 33 a Masonic number. On 3-31-2019 which numerologically deduces to the number 19. Which just so happen to be the number of the fatalities at the vigil held for him on 4-1-2019 same night of the day he was supposed to have met with The LAPD. The multitude gathered to pay respect in a harmonic concert of symphonic peace of all races,then the powers that be at their tables of strategies sends in divergence of discord and their media flashes the news boldly in head lines:see the negros don't know how to act,now all  in a row they send in their grand marshals of law.

Social engineering  at it’s best. They take advantage from the conflict from within.
Police have taken control no more vigil no more spiritual vibration, a voice will go out that Negros are out of control, but half this story have never been told.
Requested a meeting with LAPD. J Z was to be there, then  a coincidental assassination ,meeting was to be Monday 4-1-2019 meeting was an anti gang meeting. Troi  Torain of the THE STAR REPORT presented a theory with no proof that police sent in a killer he believes it was an assassination.
Nipsey  Hussle  was aware of the possibility of such a hit on his life by government as he made several statements via black media outlets that if any thing were to happen for the people to make some noise, this was in reference to his doctor Sebi documentary he was working on.

  The  alleged  shooter was caught (4-2-2019=18) 18 is 666 in front of  bellflower mental institution
now let us look even closer at the hat with the rabbit and the wand of the magicians of the synagogue of Satan:counting the day the Rapper was assassinated 3-31-2019 which equals (19)  3+3+1+2+0+1+9=19 until Easter Sunday 4-21-2019 which also equal (19) 4+2+1+2+0+1+9=19
we have 22 days which are the letters of the Jewish or Hebrew alphabet. we must also note that the  22 card of  the tarot is the fool who in reality represent the Christ or the enlightened one.

       As a master number, 22 is associated with the vibration of The Master Builder who has the ability to turn the loftiest dreams into concrete realities.
                                                                                                                                                                          The Major Arcana series of the Tarot culminates with The World card in the 21st station. The World card is symbolic of the attainment of your ultimate spiritual fulfillment. As a master number, the vibration of number 22, the vibration of the Master Builder, is even higher than that.
The synagogue of Satan  is represented by the world card. though the controllers  control by the numbers,we who have not signed into contract with them are beyond them and are higher than them we are the real power,protected By our Lord  ANU. (this is an important message from this drama)

The name NIPSEY HUSSLE has 12 letters, number 12 tarot card is the hanged man:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Hanged Man shows a man suspended from a T-shaped cross made of living wood. He is hanging upside-down, viewing the world from a completely different perspective, and his facial expression is calm and serene, suggesting that he is in this hanging position by his own choice. He has a halo around his head, symbolizing new insight, awareness and enlightenment. His right foot is bound to the tree, but his left foot remains free,(note the one sock in the video while being placed into rescue unit 57) bent at the knee and tucked in behind his right leg. His arms are bent, with hands held behind his back, forming an inverted triangle. The man is wearing red pants representing human passion and the physical body, and a blue vest for knowledge. The Hanged Man is the card of ultimate surrender, of being suspended in time and of martyrdom and sacrifice to the greater good. 

what is revealed here is that the Rapper signed a contract and was aware of His destiny . 
every thing was scripted by the numbers,a book  to be read by those  opening the seals.
this grand event is ritual,conspiracy,all the above but most of all it is an omen of the sun. 
from the day of the assassination until the 28th of march  sunday,April 28 2019 London marathon
there are 29 days,as 29 is 2+9=11 and this is symbol of 911 as in world trade center bombing 911,so we will keep our eyes open.  also, his former partner Lauren last name is London= Lauren London her name also has 12 letters.     
note we said this is a sun ritual or a message from the sun? how do we get to this conclusion?

(the day the Rapper was assassinated 3-31-2019 which equals (19)  3+3+1+2+0+1+9=19 until Easter Sunday 4-21-2019 which also equal (19) 4+2+1+2+0+1+9=19
we have 22 days which are the letters of the Jewish or Hebrew alphabet. we must also note that the  22 card of  the tarot is the fool who in reality represent the Christ or the enlightened one.)
The number 19 is code of Quran and the 19th tarot card is The sun, and if we reverse the number 19 we get number 91 and chapter 91 of Quran is the sun. and chapter 19 of Quran is Mary Mother of Jesus,sun of 'God' also note that: At the age of 19, Asghedom's father took both him and his brother Samiel on a trip to EritreaWest Africa for three months in 2004.  Asghedom credited the trip with inspiring him to become a community activist with an "entrepreneurial spirit". (source: Wikipedia) from the age of 19 to the age of 33 when he was murdered was 14 years and the number 14 is symbol of the prophets.We can deduce that when his father took him home home in 2004 he was initiated into the mysteries,and learned of his life mission.we must note that there are some people who want this to be real in the sense that the rapper is dead,and it was a government conspiracy to kill him because of his good deeds etc. but we find through our system by the design in nature there are many truths revealed even in the lie so we see yin and yang being two sides of the same coin.from our video you will note that Nipsey was a mason very versed in the symbolism,his signs under the table not so visible to the untrained eye...what we reveal here is the science of teleology:tel·e·ol·o·gy

    the explanation of phenomena in terms of the purpose they serve rather than of the cause by which they arise.
    "no theory of history can do without teleology"
      the doctrine of design and purpose in the material world.

Teleology or finality is a reason or explanation for something in function of its end, purpose, or goal. It is derived from two Greek words: telos and logos. A purpose that is imposed by a human use, such as that of a fork, is called extrinsic. Wikipedia
we know this because all human beings have DNA Programs,therefore we are dealing with destiny rather than fate,men who think they are Illuminati think they do a thing save in essence it is Allah or the collective Anunakki(Allah) so the true puppet masters are The Gods Anunakki,this is why we can see through all deceptions by our divining systems numerology being only one of them.

The Sun card represents positive energy that assures good things are here or on the horizon. Restrictions and doubts are removed, replaced with promises of success in your ventures or relationships. The illusions from the Moon have been illuminated.
The Sun is central to our place in the universe. In a like manner, it symbolizes our “self” in relation to the whole of our private universe. It triumphs in the light of each day and surrenders to the dark of night.
In Tarot of Empowerment, the Sun depicts a strong, confident woman sitting in a field of *clematis, the flower representing mental beauty. The woman looks towards the sun in thanks for shining its light of confidence and courage, knowing that she is blessed by the Universe and on the correct course at this point on her journey.
please note that the person  the media and the ghetto wire said killed the Rapper was apprehended  by police in *bellflower at a mental hospital . note above the confident woman on the 19th tarot card siting  in a field of clematis,the flower representing mental confidence:

*Clematis campaniflora


and the plant does have medicinal properties

Upright: When the Sun comes up in a reading, it indicates a strong yes to your question, be it the undertaking of a new adventure or the risk of a new relationship. Have confidence in your decisions and actions. Understand that your attitude in relationships is valued as enlightened, generous, and loving. The Sun allows an internal “sigh,” assuring that things are going well.
Empowerment: You are empowered by the joy the Sun brings to you. Believe and trust that the Sun will shine success on your hopes and dreams.
Numerology: The Sun is number 19, which reduces to 1, the number for new beginnings and success. Other cards that have the 1 energy are Magician and Wheel of Fortune.
This means we have been blessed by the sun to see through this illusion of darkness presented to us by the synagogue of Satan. and it means The Man known as Nipsey Hussle is starting a new life.


Pittura Infamante

The Meaning Of ‘Pittura Infamante’:
So first things first, what does the subtitle   mean? Well “Pittura Infamante” doesn’t just mean ‘a defaming picture’; but is actually a style of painting in and of itself where the subject matter is usually a thief, traitor or just a bad person in general who never paid for their crimes. The quintessential version of the ‘Pittura Infamante’ is usually thought to be the ‘Hanged Man’ Tarot Card,

Notes 4-4-2019

             The blessing of strong enemies 

next court date may 10th= 18=666

Categories: NewsKCALTV
Eric Holder, Represented By Attorney Christopher Darden, Charged With Murder In Nipsey Hussle Shooting
Eric Holder is represented by Christopher Darden, the former prosecutor from the O.J. Simpson murder trial
Prosecutor John Mckinney in ereic holders case.

SECRET CLAN Mc = Mason Clan

Mc = Mason Clan

This ancient guild of spiritual builders has migrated to many parts of the world. In Scotland after gathering under the Templars, it was discovered that the neighboring peoples were suspicious of the Clan, it was compulsive to shorten it to MC, within the Templarian code of secrecy and purity to escape persecution as heretics.

but as we have stated in our case these people are hypnotized by ancient wisdom and do not really know what they are doing. The Prosecutor is being used to represent the Masonic order,which allows us to reveal the energy behind this event.(Trueman show) but as we know even in fiction there is revealed truth.for ones able to read the langauge of the puppet masters.  
now we will look at the prosecutor John McKinney: his name McKinney reveals who he is,he is a member of the secret society of Scottish rite Masons,or we can say he is a member or decent of the mason or masonic clan' (Mc) which has its roots in Scotland 
note the fact that  Christopher Darden is an Actor. who lost the OJ Trial...

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — An aspiring rapper plead not guilty Thursday in the murder of hip hop artist Nipsey Hussle in South Los Angeles.
Eric Ronald Holder Jr., 29, was arraigned in a downtown Los Angeles courtroom on one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon.
If convicted as charged, he faces a possible maximum sentence of life in state prison.

Holder is represented by Christopher Darden, the former city prosecutor from the O.J. Simpson murder trial in the mid-1990s, according to CBSLA’s Dave Lopez.
4-4-2019 51 anniversary of martin Luther king assassination
we know that martin luther king life was a fake his speeches were written for him

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Holder could face a potential life prison sentence if convicted as charged, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
Hussle, whose real name is Ermias Joseph Asghedom, was fatally shot Sunday in the 3400 block of West Slauson Avenue.
The Grammy-nominated rapper was gunned down outside The Marathon Clothing, a store he opened in 2017, in the Hyde Park neighborhood just south of the Crenshaw area where he was born and grew up. Two other men were also wounded in the attack, although only one of them was hospitalized.

The 29-year-old Eric Holder was arrested Tuesday. (Photo via LAPD)
According to LAPD Chief Michel Moore, Holder and Hussle became involved in some sort of dispute outside the store before Holder left and returned with a handgun. Hussle was shot in the head and body and died at a hospital, officials said.
“We believe this to be a dispute between Mr. Hussle and Mr. Holder,” Moore said. “I’m not going to go into the conversations, but it appears to be a personal matter between the two of them.”
Holder is being held on $5 million bail. 

NOTE 4/5/2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This is an ongoing investigation and  all cards are not on table yet  many are praising the rapper as for his good works not knowing the depth of his conspiracy. they thin he is inacant

name means chosen by God                                                                                                                                                                               
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Daylyt:   4-6-2019

Talks: Nipsey Hussle Memorial March

said Nipsey was best thing to ever happen to LA spoke of the magic of the gangs coming together said Nipsey was a Christ...
we see here how ones are affected by this act.but ones must realize truth is we are to see the reality and act upon that reality.(we the none contract signers must unite and the video below will reveal the code...)

L.A. Gangs Came Together For "Unity Walk" To Honor Nipsey Hussle & Discuss Truces


Various gangs from around L.A. paid their respects.

Street gangs in Los Angeles who were usually at odds with one another were united earlier today to honor the legacy of Nipsey HussleAccording to reports, several gangs from various subsets of the city including Watts, Compton, and Inglewood descended in the Crenshaw district, not far from where Nipsey was shot and killed. Hundreds of purported gang-affiliated men and women participated in a "Unity Walk" where they also discussed a cease-fire agreement.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The large group began their walk at a nearby market and ended in front of Nipsey's Marathon store where he was killed. Nipsey, a member of the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips, often encouraged others to avoid the gang life. Los Angeles promoter Marquis Diamond shared a photo on Instagram of the event and captioned it by writing, "This SPEAKS VOLUMES!!! @NipseyHussle Look what you started 60’s,HOOVAS, ETG’s, FTG, VNG, BOUNTY HUNTERS, MONA PARKS, BRIMS, PIRUS, BLOODS, CRIPS, GANGSTAS, NH’s, DEUCES. Just some of these hoods in the same building is POWERFUL! Trying to use Their BLACK POWER TO BRING UNITY TO THE CITY! I pray that we can stay on this positive path."
Community leader Big U explained the purpose and intention behind the "Unity Walk." "We're having a gang truce and a gang rally so all the different gangs from L.A can get together and come celebrate the life and the gift of Nipsey...It’s a lot of people who were calling who said they wanted to get together and come over to the vigil and pay respects.    “Nipsey was the first real LA. artist that was from L.A...not like Tupac who was from somewhere else and then L.A., and Biggie...Nipsey was the first like real L.A. artist to die the way he died. He didn’t have no conflict with nobody, he wasn’t beefing with nobody.”
Meanwhile, Nipsey's suspected shooter, Eric Holder, has pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and attempted murder. He is currently in jail awaiting trial and faces life in prison.source hiphop.com

they want to name a street after him.

                         By Kelly Taylor, FOX 11
 - A California congresswoman wants to make Nipsey Hussle’s philanthropic contributions to his South Los Angeles community “part of the United States history forever.”
Democratic Rep. Karen Bass, who represents California's 37th District, pledged her intention Wednesday to make the late rapper’s contributions part of the official Congressional Record.

I will be heading to the House Floor next week to formally enter Nipsey Hussle’s contributions to South Los Angeles into the Congressional Record where it will be a part of United States history forever.
11:22 PM - Apr 3, 2019

This was conceived only or less than after a week of his death...       

Great Intel 4/8/2019 at   4,320 views views the star report ask the question :   

Was The L.A. Gang Rally A Good Idea?

brought out the possibility of government face recognition,we did hear from ones gathered of all the military craft in the air. also reported by star report correspondent 'Dana with the data: ' ex member Big U spoke at rally that in future gang members will have satellite hookup meetings, meaning they will gather via Internet. it's  very clear to the writer that this is a social science experiment better yet operation and that Nipsey had great knowledge of Masonic  intelligence and used masonic language through out his career/ this fact have been observed in light of the tenor of this paper. it is also deduced of the complexity of this matter,the great division placed on the consensus factor of this great event in time being part of the end times scenario.  even though the Intel presented here reveal the wisdom of the synagogue of Satan , the wisdom of the Anunakki is also revealed.let he whose eye is open,let him see the manifestation of the law of time in human affairs.this presentation is void of discord.all the different elements has here fused into one great synthesis and here there is no contradiction. what is written here did not surface until after the memorial service of Nipsey Hussle,therefore you are reading a scientific objective logical view.
let us start from the beginning : on 3-31-2019=19 it was publicized  NipseyHussele was assassinated by five bullets to the body and one to the head.[6] 11 days after will be his memorial: 4-11-2019=18/8+1=9  and the 11 days after death  we see the sign of 911 as in false flag event..10 days from the 11th will be Easter Sunday+4-21-2019=19 so just add the 1 from the 10 days and we see clearly 911 again.


Nipsey Hussle's death certificate has been released -- his cause of death is listed as gunshot wounds to the head and torso -- and the rapper was pronounced 35 minutes after the shooting outside his store.
We broke the story ... the Crenshaw rapper was gunned down last week in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. Nipsey was rushed to the hospital, and his family and celeb friends showed up shortly after he arrived.
Nipsey's death certificate -- obtained by TMZ -- lists his occupation as an artist and entrepreneur. It says he was never married at the time of his death and worked in the entertainment and real estate industries. Nipsey was pronounced dead at 3:55 PM on March 31 ... 35 minutes after he was shot.
Nipsey was shot in plain view of a surveillance camera, and footage shows the shooter -- who cops believe to be Eric Holder -- opening fire 3 different times on Nipsey before kicking his body and fleeing the scene. Two other people were shot, but survived. 
Nipsey's brutal murder has sent shock waves throughout Los Angeles and beyond, with celebs and sports stars paying tribute to the slain rapper in many different ways. Candlelight vigils are being held across the globe and a massive memorial service will be held at Staples Center Thursday.
Nipsey will be buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park.
As we first reported ... the family of the slain rapper wants to do something spectacular so as many of his fans can pay their respects ... a procession will follow Thursday's ceremony through the streets of L.A.
Nipsey was just 33.       


April 09, 2019 03:25 PM
The parents of slain rapper Nipsey Hussle have broken their silence, just over a week after he was gunned down outside of his clothing store in Los Angeles on March 31.
The family, including his longtime girlfriend Lauren London, gathered in the South L.A. home of Hussle’s grandmother to comfort one another and share memories of the late star.
Speaking to the Los Angeles Times, his mother Angelique Smith recalled Hussle’s early years as a precocious student who asked to be placed in the advanced classes in school.
“He recognized at an early age his own capability,” she said of her boy, born Ermias Asghedom. “His own potential. He has always known.”
Smith continued, saying that she hoped Hussle would be “remembered as a humble, spirited, respectful man who had, since his childhood, had an extraordinary and unlimited intellectual capacity.”
Nipsey Hussle.
Nipsey Hussle.
Allen Berezovsky/Getty
Hussle’s father, Dawit Asghedom, spoke of the powerful messages and meanings found in his son’s music.
“It was like he was sent by God to give some love to bring us together because that’s what his lyrics were saying, always,” he explained. “He’s not shy to tell the truth even though it might not look good. He wasn’t scared of anything. [God] sent him to send a message.”
Asghedom has found comfort in knowing that his son’s songs had reached the masses and sparked positive change. “We all have a plan, but God has his own plan,” he added. “So he had completed what he needed to be doing and he did it early so [God] probably want to take him early too.”
Nipsey Hussle and Lauren London.
Nipsey Hussle and Lauren London.
Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images
London, who is mother to their 2½-year-old son Kross, spoke about how she’s coping with the loss and choosing to remember her romantic partner of five years.
“I’m going to keep my head high and always represent for my king to the fullest,” she says. “He loved his kids. He was a family man. His family came first.” The 34-year-old actress previously paid tribute to tribute to Hussle on Instagram last week, sharing a slideshow of photos of them together with their family. including Hussle’s daughter Emanifrom a previous relationship. Among the photos shared, London included a sweet image of Hussle throwing their son in the air.
“I am completely lost,” London wrote. “I’ve lost my best friend, my sanctuary, my protector, my soul. We are lost without you babe — I have no words.”
This coming Thursday, a Celebration of Life and Legacy ceremony will be held for Hussle at the Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles — a venue that holds 21,000 people. The service, which is scheduled for 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., will be free to California residents.
Hussle, 33, died from gunshot wounds of both the head and torso, the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner confirmed last Monday. “Paramedics were called and [Hussle who was born Ermias Joseph Asghedom] was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead at 3:55 p.m.,” the coroner said, in a statement obtained by PEOPLE.
Eric Holder, 29, has since been charged with one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon, according to a release from the Los Angeles County’s District Attorney’s Office.
On Thursday, he entered a plea of not guilty in court. The aspiring rapper could face a maximum sentence of life in state prison if convicted.     

on  101st day of year 4-11-2019=18=666,  day of the Marathon ride or victory lap:
                                                                                                                                                                            264 hours of research divination  intuitive reasoning  and objective journalism what makes this essay a great synthesis is fact that the 44th president of USA sent a letter to be read at the funeral of Nipsey Hussle ,whos  alleged killer is named Eric Holder which is same name of President Obama's attorney general , and Stevie wonder was on the program singing two songs and spoke out saying USA government needed stricter gun laws which was Eric Holder claim to fame so to speak.  also note that Farrakhan referred to nipsey as nipsey russell   



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