The third parable of Enoch revealed: The holy code of Akae Beka
The third
parable of Enoch
The third
parable of Enoch
In thee
Beka shall The Rastafari be blessed
The mystery
revealed by –Ital Iman
The holy
code of Akae Beka
Chapter 68
Chapter 68
holy Quran= The Pen
Note the
name of the fourth angel in parable of Enoch
verse 9: His
name is *Penemue: he discovered to the children of men bitterness and
10. And
pointed out to them every secret of their wisdom.
11. He
taught men to understand writing, and the use of ink and
Now we will cipher the numbers in the chapter with verse
9,10/11 and we get 6+8+9+10+11=26 which chapter 26 Holy Quran is THE POETS.verse
68: and surely thy lord is the mighty,the merciful.
The third
parable of Enoch
A parable is a succinct, didactic story,
in prose or verse that illustrates
one or more instructive lessons or principles. It differs from a fable in that fables employ animals, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature
as characters, whereas parables have human characters. A
parable is a type of analogy.
Chapter 68
1. After this judgment they shall be
astonished and irritated; for it shall be exhibited to the inhabitants of the
(The already now magnetic pole shift)
2. Behold the names of those angels.
These are their names. The first of them is Samyaza; the second, Arstikapha:
the third, Armen; the fourth, Kakabael; the fifth, Turel; the sixth, Rumyel;
the seventh, Danyal; the eighth, Kael; the ninth, Barakel; the tenth, Azazel;
the eleventh, Armers; the twelfth, Bataryal; the thirteenth, Basasael; the
fourteenth, Ananel; the fifteenth, Turyal; the sixteenth, Simapiseel; the
seventeenth, Yetarel; the eighteenth, Tumael; the nineteenth, Tarel; the
twentieth, Rumel; the twenty-first, Azazyel.
(The Angels who corrupted the earth
from the foundation meaning creation from the time of the first genetic experiments the Adam the beginning before the flood of Noah)
3. These are the chiefs of their
angels, and the names of the leaders of their hundreds, and the leaders of
their fifties, and the leaders of their tens.
4. The name of the first is Yekun: he
it was who seduced all the sons of the holy angels; and causing them to descend
on earth, led astray the offspring of men.
5. The name of the second is Kesabel,
who pointed out evil counsel to the sons of the holy angels, and induced them
to corrupt their bodies by generating mankind.
(cause (something, especially an
emotion or situation) to arise or come about.
"changes that are likely to
generate controversy"
cause, give rise to, lead to, result in, bring
about, bring into being, create, make, produce, initiate, engender, spawn, sow
the seeds of, occasion, effect, originate, bring to
pass, bring on, precipitate, prompt, provoke, kindle, trigger, spark
off, touch off, stir up, whip up, induce, inspire, promote, foster, conjure; More)
6. The name of the third is Gadrel: he
discovered every stroke of death to the children of men.
7. He seduced Eve; and discovered to
the children of men the instruments of death, the coat of mail, the shield, and
the sword for slaughter; every instrument of death to the children of men.
8. From his hand were these things
derived to them who dwell upon earth, from that period for ever.
9. The name of the fourth is *Penemue:
he discovered to the children of men bitterness and sweetness;
10. And pointed out to them every
secret of their wisdom.
11. He taught men to understand
writing, and the use of * ink and paper.
12. Therefore numerous have been those
who have gone astray from every period of the world, even to this day.
13. For men were not born for this,
thus with *pen and with *ink to confirm their faith;
14. Since they were not created,
except that, like the angels, they might remain righteous and pure.
15. Nor would death, which destroys
everything, have affected them;
16. But by this their knowledge they
perish, and by this also its power consumes them.
17. The name of the fifth is Kasyade:
he discovered to the children of men every wicked stroke of spirits and of
18. The stroke of the embryo in the
womb, to diminish it; the stroke of the spirit by the bite of the serpent, and
the stroke which is given in the mid-day by the offspring of the serpent, the
name of which is Tabaet.
19. This is the number of the Kesbel;
the principal part of the oath which the Most High, dwelling in glory, revealed
to the holy ones.
(This is the code (19) and begins the
wisdom and duty of the watcher angels The Igi gi of Anunakki
Who are the guardians of the cycles of
earth who will intervene in the affairs of The children of light on earth their
descendents when signaled by the hidden word of The Akae: The second oath was Akae. This oath revealed
the secrets of the cycles of earth , this is the wisdom of The Holy sound The
Master Blaster Jamming which is to be performed before the deluge caused by The
magnetic pole shift. During or after the Exodus of The Childern of Light from
America in the 400th of their Bondage, the agreement or covenant made with
the Righteous Anunakki) (angels)
20. Its name is Beka. He spoke to holy
Michael to discover to them the sacred name, that they might understand that
secret name, and thus remember the oath; and that those who pointed out every
secret thing to the children of men might tremble at that name and oath.
( Beka is it that dwells within you as
you,it that dwells within me as me, Beka is all from the tinest atom to the
largest star. Beka is I in I Beka is the pronouncing the correct name of G-D it
is said in the Masonic ritual that when the Name Of G-D is pronounced
correctly:heaven and earth would shake) Beka is RA-STA-FAR- I (YHVH) Beka is The Holy Sound OM Beka is The
Master Blaster Jamming it is the Holy Code: (AKAE BEKA)
21. This is the power of that oath;
for powerful it is, and strong.
22. And he established this oath of
Akae by the instrumentality of the holy Michael.
(Michael is he who is like Christ,the
musicians are the Army collectively they leads God's armies against Satan's
forces,the holy sound,as the prophet has said already: we free our people with this oath are we protected in this holy Armageddon)
23. These are the secrets of this
oath, and by it were they confirmed.
24. Heaven was suspended by it before
the world was made, for ever.
25. By it has the earth been founded
upon the flood; while from the concealed parts of the hills the agitated waters
proceed forth from the creation to the end of the world.
26. By this oath the sea has been
formed, and the foundation of it.
27. During the period of its fury he
has established the *sand(*MYAKKA) against it, which continues unchanged for
ever; and by this oath the abyss has been made strong; nor is it removable from
its station for ever and ever.
(*MYAKKA the artificial sand of the
Atlantians (Anunakki)
Look at
the facts:
A passage
in Sanskrit from the Mahabharata, The Vishnu
one of the oldest of the Hindu Puranas, locates
on the grid coordinates 24 to 28 degrees north
putting it in the same latitude as Harbour Island in
Florida, which Plato described as the Island of
Smith found that the 26.4 degree angle is the
on the Earth that would center the sun dial and is the
latitude of the Egyptians, the angle of the sides of the
holy stone
in Newark, Ohio, the angle of the great hall in the
pyramid, the base angle of the lodestone compass, and
through Tampa, which Plato describes as the city of
One specific voyage along that angle shows a trip
the Americas and Portugal.
also found that 38 other voyages had taken place all
related to
the latitude 26.4. When you plot them from their
location you will see that they all have one point
in common
in the Atlantic Ocean, which is their home or
University of Florida found that 11,500 years ago sea
level was
about 80 feet below what it is now. Plato states
that the
people of Atlantis dug the Indian River (the great
ditch) to
a depth of 100 feet. They also dug the canals in
Tampa to a
depth of 100 feet. This would let them reach the
level and provide depth for ships.
length, width, and depth of the waterways in and around
the plain
fit Plato’s measurements. The shape and size of the
islands also fit his description.
More than
1,500,000 acres of artificial paving material
called *Myakka
soils has been located on the Florida Plain. It
the pavement described in a book about the plain of
Atlantis. *Myakka
soil is the single largest piece of physical
evidence ever found.
[When one
set of events or circumstances match, it can be
as a coincidence. When several incidents
the matter deserves careful consideration.]
Decoding the Country
is referred to by several confusing
names: a
boundless continent, a country, a city, and a small
also called Atlantis. After decoding, you will find that
all the
names apply. A boundless continent held the ten
including Atlantis. The largest city of the country
was called
Atlantis. The small island of Atlantis was within
the city.
The buildings and people were destroyed, but the
remains intact. The islands and waterways the people of
built for their cities are still there. Atlantans also left
subdivisions sculptured into the landscape.
“The whole
country was said by him to be very lofty and
on the side of the sea, but the country
about and surrounding the city was a level
itself surrounded by mountains [Appalachians], which
towards the sea. It was smooth and even, and of
an oblong
shape, extending in one direction three thousand
but across the centre inland it was two thousand
This part of the island [continent] looked towards the
south, and
was sheltered from the north.
surrounding mountains were celebrated for their
number and
size and beauty, far beyond any which still
having in them also many wealthy villages of country
folk, and
rivers, and lakes, and meadows supplying food
enough for
every animal, wild or tame, and much wood of
sorts, abundant for each and every kind of work.
I will now
describe the plain [Florida], as it was fashioned
by nature
and by the labors of many generations of kings
long ages. It was, for the most part, rectangular and
and where falling out of the straight line followed
circular ditch [Indian River]. The depth, and width, and
length of
this ditch were incredible, and gave the impression
that a
work of such extent, in addition to so many others,
never have been artificial. Nevertheless, I must say
what I was
It was
excavated to the depth of a hundred, feet, and its
was a stadium everywhere; it was carried round the
whole of
the plain, and was ten thousand stadia in length. It
the streams which came down from the mountains,
winding round the plain and meeting at the city, was
there let
off into the sea.
inland, likewise, straight canals of a hundred feet in
width were
cut from it through the plain, and again let off
into the
ditch leading to the sea. These canals were at
of a hundred stadia, and by them they brought
down the
wood from the mountains to the city, and
the fruits of the earth in ships, cutting transverse
from one canal into another, and to the city. [The
canals are
still used today.]
Twice in
the year they gathered the fruits of the earth—in
having the benefit of the rains of heaven, and in
summer the
water which the land supplied by introducing
from the canals.
As to the
population, each of the lots in the plain had to find
a leader
for the men who were fit for military service. The
size of a
lot was a square of ten stadia each way, and the
number of all the lots was sixty thousand. And of the
of the mountains and of the rest of the country
there was
also a vast multitude, which was distributed
among the
lots and had leaders assigned to them according
to their
districts and villages.
There was also a vast multitude of people in America
Columbus arrived. According to some sources, there
were 500
different nations in America.]
The plain
to William Smith’s calculations, if you plot an
area in
the existing Florida 1.5 degrees above and below the
latitude and extend it east and west to a water depth of
60 feet
allowing for the rise in sea level, you end up with an
area of
about 45,000 sq. miles or 60,000 sq. stadia, which is
the same
measurement Plato’s gave for the plain during the
time of
Atlantis. How could Plato have known the exact size
of the
Florida Plain? He also knew the depth and size of the
including Indian River.
Brooks(Atlantis ten tribes of the
Americas from chapter 8)
28. By this oath the sun and moon
complete their progress, never swerving from the command given to them for ever
and ever.
29. By this oath the stars complete
their progress;
30. And when their names are called,
they return an answer, for ever and ever.
31. Thus in the heavens take place the
blowings of the winds: all of them have breathings, and effect a complete
combination of breathings.
32. There the treasures of thunder are
kept, and the splendour of the lightning.
33. There are kept the treasures of
hail and of frost, the treasures of snow, the treasures of rain and of dew.
34. All these confess and laud before
the Lord of spirits.
35. They glorify with all their power
of praise; and he sustains them in all that act of thanksgiving; while they
laud, glorify, and exalt the name of the Lord of spirits for ever and ever.
36. And with them he establishes this
oath, by which they and their paths are preserved; nor does their progress
37. Great was their joy.
38. They blessed, glorified, and
exalted, because the name of the Son of man was revealed to them.
39. He sat upon the throne of his
glory; and the principal part of the judgment was assigned to him, the Son of
man. Sinners shall disappear and perish from the face of the earth, while those
who seduced them shall be bound with chains for ever.
40. According to their ranks of
corruption shall they be imprisoned, and all their works shall disappear from
the face of the earth; nor thenceforward shall there be any to corrupt; for the
Son of man has been seen, sitting on the throne of his glory.
41. Everything wicked shall disappear,
and depart from before his face; and the word of the Son of man shall become
powerful in the presence of the Lord of spirits.
42. This is the third parable of Enoch.
The Brainstem forms a large portion of the hindbrain. The medulla, pons, and reticular formation are important regions found within the brainstem. The spinal cord is found at the lower junction of the brain stem, beginning at the lumbar region of the vertebral column and ending deep within the brain, which blossoms like a flower above it.
The complete brain stem is a large region that includes the medulla, pons, and cerebellum (hindbrain structures), the midbrain, and the hypothalamus and thalamus (forebrain structures). These structures in the human are equivalent to the brainstem found in primitive premammalian organisms. Since eating behaviors were present in less evolved organisms, it was expected that basic eating behaviors such as chewing and swallowing would be controlled in some fashion by lower brain regions. Indeed, studies have shown that animals whose brain stems are cut off from the cerebrum, between the thalamus and the midbrain, are able to perform these eating behaviors when the food is placed before them in liquid form. These animals can distinguish between sweet and bitter tastes, swallowing the former and spitting out the latter. They even respond to cues of hunger by drinking more when deprived of food for 24 hours