The Four-hundredth year
Closing of 2018
The Benediction of -Ital Iman I
The return of Bolon Yokte'
Being my 22nd year in
"The Clock Of Now Campaign
Wonder An Underground News Network Media
23abc Expose'. "We are 21st century 'Black' revolutionaries whose weapon
is the pen-words are ammunition of choice, our divine gift.violence is the way
of the savage beast - The language of relativity is the language of all things
which is a language all unto itself being universal... Right information
programs the mind for knowing.The universal language being art at its essence
is currency is time.has the effect of the Zen Koan - so one can see [the light beyond
the leaves,] the surface, and know the depth or obscure meaning; sound and
light transcends the boundaries of eons. "We demand accountability and
responsibility from our leaders."breaking down the walls of illusion that
you explore the practicality of correct information right in order which is the
Ethiopian Spiritual science.
Thus is of the
holy rite of Balam Ahau, (Lord Jaguar) [Chilam Balam] Jaguar priest or interpreter Jaguar in the presence of Bolon
Yokte. bringing forth The Holy Master Blaster Jamming exploding with the brilliance of a billion suns. here at the end of the completion of the
13th Baktun. Being: 4-Ahau 3-Kankin That time has arrived…
The return of Osiris.
Thoth presided over
the judgment of the dead with Osiris
His wife is maat
divine balance.
Another of his consorts is the goddess
Nehemetawy ('She Who Embraces Those In Need") a protector goddess. He
was self-created or born of the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set.the son
of those who represented order and chaos .
he is our brother of whom shall we fear.he is the ape man.
"At the next creation, the Bolon Yokte Ku, or Nine
Support Gods, will return.”
In the name of Anu and the
collective Family: Anunakki (Allah)
Greetings of peace and blessed salutations to
all ones of the one. May those who have been separated from us by the long
night robed in light, may they rest in peace, giving Honor To the prophets Bob
Marley and Maurice White. may Allah guide us all.I had been spreading the
teachings of the Master Blaster Jamming 16 years before I entered cyber space.
It was only five years after the world wide web was presented to the public. I
give thanks being the 38th year of my Ministry, we Have traveled a
long path of trials and great tribulations since we were in the middle of The
Makings of the Master Blaster Jamming. it was around the year 2003 this
vibration as seed found fertile soil in the Cameroon, central America and South
Africa. I have waited with unopened Buds. it has grown as this most splendid
tree, known as The Rastafari circle of Elders, the Ark has been built, the
doors are open Zion train is a reality.
To some this will be the Rod Of Correction.
to some only
Garbage to be thrown on the ground. For me is
a reflection
Of our past until this point. Inspired by a
young lady sort of private student, and supporter. who has come to this fork in
the road of reality, we were discussing the group known as melenation Aka
carbonation, as I told her they are paying that inevitable Karmic dept,and that
they were all influenced by STDs transmitted by their leader. Her reply was
that she could not judge. And that in this world you have to be deceptive. My
reply was, there is no judgment, sight and sound speaks for itself. It is
obvious that Satan is gathering his army, she said she use to think like that,
and I replied,that she has become part of that army of Satan, she then said :
if I am a part so are you, my reply was: no you are alone there I will never
bow to satan,I will forever stand firm. It was then I realized the state of the
people going into the year 2019.
The current state we live move and have our
being is our own creation. Yes The powers that be we call
illumanatti,Jesiut,Vatican ,of Rome, united states of Europe one world order,
has dumbed us down, that we not realize by way of medication big
pharma,Monsanto and mass media propaganda, music industry Rap attack etc. we
being eight years behind. Nothing can save us but we ourselves, so our current
state only means we are casualties of war,Obama dropped the bomb of same sex
marriages upon us at the very dawn of the age of Aquarius and we freaked
totally out and lost our minds, becoming a cage of every foul and unclean bird.
breaking down the walls of illusion that you explore the practicality of this
correct, and to some new information…organized religion is this wall
of illusion, NOI is one of them…their time was up in 1990 28
years ago heading into the 29th year, but you follow cults and give
your money to illusions and pure evil men with no wisdom. this is why there is
no progress many will suffer many more will have to die, there’s
this natural mystic in the air as we reach the year 2019 400 years since year
1619 first ships of the beginning of hell reached shores of north America, and
what will make you realize what hell is: and over it are 19,wardens of the fire…there
will be more casulties,before 2020,Zion train is at the station get on board
now for we free our people with music…
Here are the facts.
Working backwards and allowing 2,160 years
for each Age, we are able to date the beginning of the Ancient Egyptian
civilization in this cycle.
Fourth Age …… Age of Taurus ……
dawned in 4468 BCE
Third Age …… Age of Gemini ……
dawned in 6628 BCE
Second Age …… Age of Cancer ……
dawned in 8788 BCE
First Age …… Age of Leo ……
dawned in 10,948 BCE
Note that sun started leaving Pisces in year
1881 taking 131 years to total rest in the 11 house which is Aquarius, please
note why this backwards movement when in our minds we think that Aquarius to be
something new a new beginning an age of light, well here is a look at the
current consensus…
Consensus approach to the astrological
Though so many issues are contentious or
disputed, there are two aspects of the astrological ages that have virtually
unanimous consensus—firstly, the link of the
astrological ages to the axial precession; secondly, that, due to the nature of
the precession of the equinoxes, the progression of the ages proceeds in
reverse direction through the zodiacal signs. Normally, during the course of
the astrological year, commencing around 21 March at the vernal equinox, the
Sun moves through the zodiacal signs commencing with Aries, then Taurus,
Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius
and, finally, Pisces. After Pisces the Sun enters Aries and commences the cycle
all over again. However, the astrological ages proceed in the reverse
direction. Therefore, after the Age of Pisces, the next age is the Age of
Aquarius, followed by the Age of Capricorn, and so on.
Now we can plainly see that the ancient
Egyptians started looking at the astrological ages and movements from a forward
motion .. But why did they start their calculations from
the fourth house of Leo-corresponding to the
holy cat the sphinx, maybe we are looking at a message of revolution a message
of change, if we notice a seemly bubble burst of 12-21-2012, with Osama’s
mass declaration of same sex marriage etc. and all hell breaking loose in the
world climate change and all so we see something is happening, spring in winter
and winter in spring depending on where you live upon orb ship earth, I feel
that there is something which we should do as concerned earth beings, we should
not sit back
And allow evil powers that be with their
illusionary magic like pharaoh of old cause us think there is no God (Anunakki)
it’s very simple as written when two or more
agree on this matter we can bring about the master Blaster Jamming, it’s
as simple as promoting a grand concert.. For its written that when the children
of Israel (the light) cried out in unison God (The Gods=Anunakki) remembered
the covenant (rescue)
Mystic crystal revelation
The first astrological age started in the
house of Leo in the year 10,948 BCE
There has been six astrological Ages since
human beings has been upon orb ship earth….
One age consist of 2,160 years I.e. the
backwards journey of the sun or earth through the zodiac
So if we multiply 6 x 2160 we get, 12,960;
this number gives us the formula or is the formula to determine the trips of
Niburu to orb ship earth, since Niburu makes an 3,600 year elliptical orbit we
subtract that orbit from 12,960 first time we get 9360 ,again subtract Niburu
orbit ,second time we get 5360,now we subtract a third time the orbit of Niburu
and we get 1760, notice closely if we now after three trips subtract the number
1760 from 5360 we get 3600 the orbit of Niburu as proof of this formula etc..
I’m here presenting a spiritual
formula to you, or shall I say the way you can discern the workings of the
spirit in the life of the mystic, I.e. most times revelations come after the
fact, example the number we used above 12,960 is in all reality the number of
years since the Dawn of the first Age of Men and gods upon orb ship earth, how
do we know this, if we note the ancient Egyptians recorded and synchronized the
dawn of the first age at 10,948 BCE what we do here if we wish to find out how
long ago that was here is the secret mystery I’m sure some of you have puzzled
with- you simply add the current year and you will find the distance in time,
note that the number if added to 2013 will be one year more(12,961) . My point
here is to show or prove the significance of 12-21-2012 or the year 2012
meaning the Olmec Mayan calendar was and is exact and right, so we see by this
divining the years 2013 and after will
prove most destructive as we can already see, so since the dawn of time or dawn
of the age of Leo Niburu has made two trips by here ,currently she’s
coming around the mountain, riding six white horses..
One thing here I want you to know, we can all
recall the information we all received before 2012 and we know
The ‘wisdom’
of mainstream academia on the subject was not correct, this is dawn of the Age
of Aquarius
And this is the wisdom of The Rastafari Ital
Iman I, you can put this in your pipe and smoke it for it’s
the wisdom of H.I.M most high The Anunakki I…..
1.) When the moon is in the Seventh House
(February 10th 2013 New Moon is in the
seventh House: count backwards from Leo is Aquarius)
2.) And Jupiter aligns with Mars
(2/10/13, Mars squares Jupiter) also note (
North Node went retrograde in Scorpio on January 2. 2013 Jupiter in Gemini
aligns with Mars in Aquarius and the moon is in Libra. )
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Aquarius! Aquarius!
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine in
North Node went retrograde in Scorpio on
January 2. 2013 Jupiter in Gemini aligns with Mars in Aquarius and the moon is
in Libra.
twelve thousand nine hundred and
sixty=12,960 years ago beginning of the age of Leo when the
pyramids were completed and face place on sphinx. One age consist of 2,160
arrival of the Nephilim on Earth
in 445,000 bc.
Anunakki had been on earth 432,040= four hundred thirty two thousand and
forty years before the completion of
great pyramid or when pyramid complex was complete
In the year 2020 humanity would
have been on earth 447,020,at year 2017 year of last sign= 447017
Which proves the 445,000 BC. For
the landing of Anunakki upon earth…
Anunakki was in Egypt: forty-one thousand four hundred =41,400 years before the first Egyptian dynasty in
year 3100 BC this is way Anunakki want us to look at it, it could be older than
this, but this is our level of comprehension currently.
While the Anunnaki were still
celebrating the construction of the "artificial mounds", Enki offered
a suggestion to his brother, Enlil:
"When in the future days it
will be asked: when and by whom was this marvel fashioned?
Let us beside the twin peaks a
monument create, the Age of the Lion let it announce,
The image of Ningishzidda (later
known as Thoth), the peaks' designer, let its face be,
Let it precisely toward the Place
of the Celestial Chariots gaze,
When, by whom, and the purpose
let it to future generations reveal!"
Enlil agreed with Enki's
suggestion and decreed:
"Let the gazing lion,
precisely eastward facing, with Ningishzidda's image be!"
Which proves the 445,000 BC. For
the landing of Anunakki upon earth…
Anunakki was in Egypt: forty-one thousand four hundred =41,400 years before the first Egyptian dynasty in
year 3100 BC this is way Anunakki want us to look at it, it could be older than
this, but this is our level of comprehension currently.
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