The dream of !Gubi * Dancing with the san * A return to the roots

I was first introduced To The San or Khoisan  in the year 2006 by the white ethnobotanist Michael Stevens  who I work with that year on his permaculture  project in the forest of north central Florida.
Who relayed a story to me about his travel to Africa living among them where he contracted a bowel infection from trying some food or bush medicine, I thought to myself he went among the bushmen trying to be more bush than them, as that was the type man he was, more black than I was, he always carried a drum with him, I must say I learned a lot about wild mushrooms that year spent with Michael.

We had a parting of the ways due to my belief in Anunakki and space ships…
I had starting communications with the south African Lawyer Marius Abrahams  a Rastafari  around the year 2004
A  relationship which is ongoing till this day. it was recently after he formed The Rastafari circle of Elders and invited me to be a member  the Khoisan  was resurrected  in my mind and I learned that many of the Rastafari of South Africa are Khoisan. I also began to notice that my teachings were very popular among the san  Rastafari and other tribesmen  of south Africa, as I had been teaching for over 30 years in America and the feedback was minimal, 22 years on world wide web. But most of the adherents   were at south Africa and   The Cameroon where one PHD student wrote a paper based on my work,  as his thesis, he relayed a story to me that he met an elder who was baptizing other Rastafari In my name. it was the first he had heard of me from this mystic Rastafari, this man has written several Books That referenced  my work etc. so I’m grateful of The Love I have and receive from Africa daily it is out of respect of the original people of south Africa I make this video a documentary of sort to help spread their message and to show the fusion of Rastafari into that movement, this in my mind is the epitome of One Love. Long live the Khoisan long live the bush man, Ancient Ancestors of The world…
A note on names: The Bushman language Bushmen languages includes a variety of clicks, which explains the strange characters in their names. The # is an alveolar click, made by pulling the tip of the tongue down sharply from the roof of the mouth to make the sound of a popping cork. The ! is a palatal click, which is a softer version of the alveolar one and made with a flat tongue. The / is a dental click, which is made by sucking air through the front teeth and sounds like an English tsk


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