BRO. SANCHEZ and The Afrocentric "Pimps By Nature". Revealed...
In the early stages of The Internet and world wide web
Ital Iman was one of the foremost among the Independent Journalist,and it was his work among others that helped to expose the hidden hands of government spying on it's users,and it was his research who brought many hidden things to the attention of other media sources,this was before the youtube cyber wars in the so-called Black cultural arena showcasing the crew down in New York calling each other Agents.Ital was exposing
the true agents behind the curtain,but here we will also expose them exposing themselves, The Bro.Sanchez and The Likes.But first we will reveal a little from sources of the credibility of The Journalist Ital Iman: from the site
National Security Agency | In Search of Black Assassins we read:
"At least one source,
Ital Iman I, suggests that the death of Black Nationalist Khalid Muhammad by a
brain aneurysm was linked to a HAARP instrument that was turned up the day he
died on February 17, 2001. [50] How did he know that HAARP had been
turned up? Strangely enough, Iman supports DC Sniper John Allen Muhammad from
Fort Lewis, Washington, home of the First Earth Battalion, as “like a message
from a high priest, this initiation rite to take the world, especially black
people, to a higher level, to get a higher consciousness.” [51]
Was it a
coincidence that John Allen Muhammad of the First Earth Battalion and his
cohort experiment Lee Malvo had an E-Systems’ Global Positioning System (GPS)
devise when arrested, and they seemed to have been triggered by (HAARP) remote
messages. "
before the talk you hear today concerning facebook spyware,and gathering information on its users etc., Ital Iman was revealing The state department and other government is a look at that work:
at []Underground
News Network-World News[/url]
"After the final 'no' there comes a 'yes' and on that yes the future of the world depends." ~Wallace Stevens~
"We travel a path which is beyond technology." ~Ital Iman I~
8/2/2003 - This did not just start here with 911, the slaves used to sing a song, "swing lo, sweet chariot coming for to carry me home..." On National Security, information warfare and cyber warfare though we are different with different causes this is the place we are one, the intellectual, artificial super brain. Where are the higher echelons of power, this is of the shared space... When Satan plans a plan Allah plans also and Allah is the best of planners. They seek to know what we know for Allah is the best of knowers, Alif Lam Mim Ra. As George Orwell's "1984" so is NSA Project P415, big brother thinks we are the infamous animals of "Animal Farm" we just live our lives naturally and it is written "what has been hidden by the dark will be revealed to the light."
The spies are searching for cyber terrorism? i.e. the government entities like the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Executive Office of the President of the United States [EOP]. Since 911, computer technology has revealed these spies who spy on public citizens who are not thinking about overthrowing the government, as far as the UNN we are reporters of news in an arcane format being creative we watch the ways of the government but we take no interest in what they do per se as we see all which happens as destiny. A leopard cannot change his spots nor an African his black, this drama of life is ordained by natural law we are observers, we are not biased in this matter. Concerning the matter at hand, many people and organizations have noticed strange government activity aimed at them. One person wrote to the domain of the government as to why and what etc., the government sent a reply, "You know all you need to know." One person writes,
Need to Know E-mail
I am curious as to what some domains in the range are namely....
....which I see hit my website with greater frequency. At first I thought these were robots b/c they always request the robots .txt file first but based on other logs I am betting it is a web proxy of some sort. Is that right?"
Francisco Rogue owner and author of at wrote as an a-side, I recently read the following in a scientific American article (October 2001, p.45) Meanwhile unclassified communications of the U.S. Armed Services go through NIPRNET (nonsecure internet protocol router network) which uses public Internet communications. This seems to indicate that the NIPR in stands for non-secure internet protocol router. Puzzle solved?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ has had many armed forces hits to their site. Writes, "of our 100 military visitors in August, no less than 42 came via a mysterious U.S. Military domain that has begun cropping up with increasing frequency on website logs around the world.
As has found out, as Francisco suspected, is not a single domain but a hush-hush web proxy that acts as a gateway for hundreds of U.S. military domains in order to hide their identities. It was established by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) in response to a memorandum (CM-5 1099, INFOCOM) issued in March 1999 by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, calling for "actions to be taken to increase the readiness posture for Information Warfare." "Uncontrolled Internet connections," the document says, "pose a significant and unacceptable threat to all Department of Defense information systems and operations." wrote "we have several visits from the info.warriors.of.iii.corps, Fort Hood, A force describing itself as "America's Hammer" and adding the boast, "dominating the information sphere."
We ask why would the military
and/or Executive Office of the President of the United States be looking and
There are many white men who have written about our ancient culture save when a
black man writes about himself in an intelligent way it is a personal thing and
the government and even its citizens take an offense to such activity. For
instance, the Nation of Islam for many years have spoken and written about what
they call the "Mothership" which Zecharia Sitchin calls
Planet X, Nibiru. Louis Farrakhan became more of a threat to National Security
than the scholar, anthropologist Zecharia Sitchin who interpreted the Sumerian
tablets and published "The
Lost Book of Enki, Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God" which Underground News
Network deems the most dangerous book on the planet.
The, monitors The Nation of Islam's Final Call tracker and from that tracker, they monitor others. We traced them from such an operation to our website. We pinpointed "them" down to one Randy Pike ( here is a message posted by him on
GOHEAVY.COM Debates Forum
DO WHAT?????????
Posted By: Randy Pike (BU-WCS1-KELLY.NIPR.MIL)
Date: Monday, June 2, 2003, @ 2:27 p.m.
How on earth can you even compare the two??? We buy gas because we have places to go to support our families. Don't be an idiot. Working in the terrorism industry for the past 13 years, I believe I may know a little about the subject. Do some of our petroleum products come from countries that support terrorism? Yes, it does. But not for long my friend.
Job, you need to let me know how our gas dollars fund terrorism. I'm in a position to fix that. However, I believe I'll be waiting for your answer a year from now. You can't provide factual proof of any such claim.
Next, let's talk choices. Do we have a choice to purchase or not purchase gas? We don't. Our hands are tied. Does Titan have a choice to give or not to give a murderer gear (I have no clue if they do or not)? Damn right they do. If they are giving this dude gear, they may not supporting murder but they are darn sure supporting a murderer. Shame on 'em. They'll never, EVER, get a penny of my hard earned American, In God We Trust dollars. And shame on PLUSA for giving this dude a voice. I don't give a rats ass whether convicts lift in prison or not. As long as they lift in prison. As far as whatever else they may be whining about, piss on 'em until they're out of prison and contributing to society and off my damned tax dollar.
How on earth can you compare "poor judging, back stabbing, steriods (sic) and all around lying" to murder? No comparison. Not today. Not tomorrow. Take drugs until your eyes pop out, lie until your face is blue, red light a 5" below parallel squat...I don't give a sh#$. Murder someone, or give free gear to a murderer, and you get exactly what you deserve.
As far as our fight against the losers in this world, we are trying our damnedest. I'll fight these bastards until I draw my last breath.
While many realize the benefits, few realize the sacrifice.
Pike, out.
Messages In This Thread
DO WHAT????????? (views: 94)
Randy Pike (BU-WCS1-KELLY.NIPR.MIL) -- Monday, June 2, 2003, @ 2:27 p.m
Researching further we also found this user...
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guestbook
John McNeill
Location: Fort Hood, Tx
Thursday, April 10, 2003 12:10 Host:
Great computer repairman
As has found out, as Francisco suspected, is not a single domain but a hush-hush web proxy that acts as a gateway for hundreds of U.S. military domains in order to hide their identities. It was established by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) in response to a memorandum (CM-5 1099, INFOCOM) issued in March 1999 by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, calling for "actions to be taken to increase the readiness posture for Information Warfare." "Uncontrolled Internet connections," the document says, "pose a significant and unacceptable threat to all Department of Defense information systems and operations."
Related Information
THREATS AND RESPONSES: INTELLIGENCE; Pentagon Plans a Computer System That Would Peek at Personal Data of Americans * Criminal Complaint, U.S. v. Sklyarov * * Nevin Pentaric's Homepage NIPR Visits * WHAT IS THE U.S. MILITARY LOOKING FOR ON BHOPAL.NET? * Weblog * The DoD is looking for Pro-Dmitry material * U.S. DoD looking for pro-Sklyarov pages? * Russian Hacker Has a Party * Devarstation * Electronic Frontier Foundation
I am loyal to my God and you to yours what is this game me watching you watching me as your master watches you? What are we to do when in the end we all know truth will prevail?
See also
FBI Targets Rastafari Journalists
Occult Institutional Racism-The Ghosts of McIntosh County
Ital Iman I
"After the final 'no' there comes a 'yes' and on that yes the future of the world depends." ~Wallace Stevens~
"We travel a path which is beyond technology." ~Ital Iman I~
8/2/2003 - This did not just start here with 911, the slaves used to sing a song, "swing lo, sweet chariot coming for to carry me home..." On National Security, information warfare and cyber warfare though we are different with different causes this is the place we are one, the intellectual, artificial super brain. Where are the higher echelons of power, this is of the shared space... When Satan plans a plan Allah plans also and Allah is the best of planners. They seek to know what we know for Allah is the best of knowers, Alif Lam Mim Ra. As George Orwell's "1984" so is NSA Project P415, big brother thinks we are the infamous animals of "Animal Farm" we just live our lives naturally and it is written "what has been hidden by the dark will be revealed to the light."
The spies are searching for cyber terrorism? i.e. the government entities like the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Executive Office of the President of the United States [EOP]. Since 911, computer technology has revealed these spies who spy on public citizens who are not thinking about overthrowing the government, as far as the UNN we are reporters of news in an arcane format being creative we watch the ways of the government but we take no interest in what they do per se as we see all which happens as destiny. A leopard cannot change his spots nor an African his black, this drama of life is ordained by natural law we are observers, we are not biased in this matter. Concerning the matter at hand, many people and organizations have noticed strange government activity aimed at them. One person wrote to the domain of the government as to why and what etc., the government sent a reply, "You know all you need to know." One person writes,
Need to Know E-mail
I am curious as to what some domains in the range are namely....
....which I see hit my website with greater frequency. At first I thought these were robots b/c they always request the robots .txt file first but based on other logs I am betting it is a web proxy of some sort. Is that right?"
Francisco Rogue owner and author of at wrote as an a-side, I recently read the following in a scientific American article (October 2001, p.45) Meanwhile unclassified communications of the U.S. Armed Services go through NIPRNET (nonsecure internet protocol router network) which uses public Internet communications. This seems to indicate that the NIPR in stands for non-secure internet protocol router. Puzzle solved?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ has had many armed forces hits to their site. Writes, "of our 100 military visitors in August, no less than 42 came via a mysterious U.S. Military domain that has begun cropping up with increasing frequency on website logs around the world.
As has found out, as Francisco suspected, is not a single domain but a hush-hush web proxy that acts as a gateway for hundreds of U.S. military domains in order to hide their identities. It was established by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) in response to a memorandum (CM-5 1099, INFOCOM) issued in March 1999 by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, calling for "actions to be taken to increase the readiness posture for Information Warfare." "Uncontrolled Internet connections," the document says, "pose a significant and unacceptable threat to all Department of Defense information systems and operations." wrote "we have several visits from the info.warriors.of.iii.corps, Fort Hood, A force describing itself as "America's Hammer" and adding the boast, "dominating the information sphere."

The, monitors The Nation of Islam's Final Call tracker and from that tracker, they monitor others. We traced them from such an operation to our website. We pinpointed "them" down to one Randy Pike ( here is a message posted by him on
GOHEAVY.COM Debates Forum
DO WHAT?????????
Posted By: Randy Pike (BU-WCS1-KELLY.NIPR.MIL)
Date: Monday, June 2, 2003, @ 2:27 p.m.
How on earth can you even compare the two??? We buy gas because we have places to go to support our families. Don't be an idiot. Working in the terrorism industry for the past 13 years, I believe I may know a little about the subject. Do some of our petroleum products come from countries that support terrorism? Yes, it does. But not for long my friend.
Job, you need to let me know how our gas dollars fund terrorism. I'm in a position to fix that. However, I believe I'll be waiting for your answer a year from now. You can't provide factual proof of any such claim.
Next, let's talk choices. Do we have a choice to purchase or not purchase gas? We don't. Our hands are tied. Does Titan have a choice to give or not to give a murderer gear (I have no clue if they do or not)? Damn right they do. If they are giving this dude gear, they may not supporting murder but they are darn sure supporting a murderer. Shame on 'em. They'll never, EVER, get a penny of my hard earned American, In God We Trust dollars. And shame on PLUSA for giving this dude a voice. I don't give a rats ass whether convicts lift in prison or not. As long as they lift in prison. As far as whatever else they may be whining about, piss on 'em until they're out of prison and contributing to society and off my damned tax dollar.
How on earth can you compare "poor judging, back stabbing, steriods (sic) and all around lying" to murder? No comparison. Not today. Not tomorrow. Take drugs until your eyes pop out, lie until your face is blue, red light a 5" below parallel squat...I don't give a sh#$. Murder someone, or give free gear to a murderer, and you get exactly what you deserve.
As far as our fight against the losers in this world, we are trying our damnedest. I'll fight these bastards until I draw my last breath.
While many realize the benefits, few realize the sacrifice.
Pike, out.
Messages In This Thread
DO WHAT????????? (views: 94)
Randy Pike (BU-WCS1-KELLY.NIPR.MIL) -- Monday, June 2, 2003, @ 2:27 p.m
Researching further we also found this user...
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guestbook
John McNeill
Location: Fort Hood, Tx
Thursday, April 10, 2003 12:10 Host:
Great computer repairman
As has found out, as Francisco suspected, is not a single domain but a hush-hush web proxy that acts as a gateway for hundreds of U.S. military domains in order to hide their identities. It was established by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) in response to a memorandum (CM-5 1099, INFOCOM) issued in March 1999 by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, calling for "actions to be taken to increase the readiness posture for Information Warfare." "Uncontrolled Internet connections," the document says, "pose a significant and unacceptable threat to all Department of Defense information systems and operations."
Related Information
THREATS AND RESPONSES: INTELLIGENCE; Pentagon Plans a Computer System That Would Peek at Personal Data of Americans * Criminal Complaint, U.S. v. Sklyarov * * Nevin Pentaric's Homepage NIPR Visits * WHAT IS THE U.S. MILITARY LOOKING FOR ON BHOPAL.NET? * Weblog * The DoD is looking for Pro-Dmitry material * U.S. DoD looking for pro-Sklyarov pages? * Russian Hacker Has a Party * Devarstation * Electronic Frontier Foundation
I am loyal to my God and you to yours what is this game me watching you watching me as your master watches you? What are we to do when in the end we all know truth will prevail?
See also
FBI Targets Rastafari Journalists
Occult Institutional Racism-The Ghosts of McIntosh County
Ital Iman I
This is just a little to show you how deep we swim,but we think no lesser of the Individual we expose here:
Broderick Sanchez Paries A.K.A “Chedda
(is this his real name ?)
born in Fairfield, Alabama on November 22nd,
1984. Chedda’s name derived from a period of time when he was hustling on the
streets as a member of Murc Camp Music
34 years of age,list
his ethnicity as multicultural. this is the first point we wish to bring
out,here is a Black man,or a man in a black cultural setting,pushing an agenda
where he is exposing and debating others who say they are Afrocentric scholars
etc. so if this man says he is multicultural it is an out-right denouncing the
black cause,or is his agenda multiculturalism.this man has been revealed by an
ex-comrade as having a none black wife,and he has revealed this fact himself.he
now lives at LasVegas Nevada,he has made it clear in places we all can see if
we research he moved there with an ex Air Force friend to be broad we will say
a military friend,and if we look at his facebook Bio we
will see that he
studied Homeland Security
at Community College of the air force.
and from his own Bio we read that he:
"joined the Air Force and
spent a year in South Korea where he met friend/rapper Camron Francis. The two
formed a group named “Dark Gemini” and released a homemade album in Korea that
would later be played throughout the streets of Seoul. “Chedda” stated that,
“For 4 months I didn’t have to spend my Air Force salary because my CD was
selling successfully.” Unfortunately, “Chedda” would be kicked out of the Air
Force and returned home to Murc Camp where he spent years as a rapper/producer
helping the group go very far".
so did he move to Vegas to further his music or show business career,one of his main things is calling out agents in the Afrocentric community, when we can see his background and total mode of operation reveals he could very well be in the same category he puts all others,he fits the bill to the Tee.
on his websites he invites debaters and ones to challenge his
theories, I'm a flat earthier myself but I contacted him for an interview etc,
but I'm sure that will never happen because something is just not correct with
him. and we reveal it here. we must ask:why was his stay in Air force short,and why was his group named "Dark Gemini" also notice the length of his youtube videos and notice how he can talk for hours without pause, he express the characteristics of an idiot savant, I must say there is something very special about him and I think it is that he is a pimp by nature like his own song reveal and he is just like all the rest he exposes,isn't it amazing he even did a show with "Nature Boy"
these guys are very intelligent present correct information on a golden platter of falsehood it is all to fleece the sheep of their Money,think of Vegas...
part 2
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