
The Four-hundredth year Closing of 2018 The Benediction of -Ital Iman I The return of Bolon Yokte' Being my 22 nd year in cyberspace "The Clock Of Now Campaign Wonder An Underground News Network Media 23abc Expose'. "We are 21st century 'Black' revolutionaries whose weapon is the pen-words are ammunition of choice, our divine gift.violence is the way of the savage beast - The language of relativity is the language of all things which is a language all unto itself being universal... Right information programs the mind for knowing.The universal language being art at its essence is currency is time.has the effect of the Zen Koan - so one can see [the light beyond the leaves,] the surface, and know the depth or obscure meaning; sound and light transcends the boundaries of eons. "We demand accountability and responsibility from our leaders."breaking down the walls of illusion that you explore the practicality of correct info...