Abu Abd al-Bar al-Ameriki aka Stephen Paddock
The FBI has stated that it doesn’t believe the attack was related to international terrorism.
Prior to police identifying Paddock, who they believe killed himself before anyone reached him in his hotel room, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack through their media outlet Amaq. Amaq’s “reporting” suggested, with no supporting evidence, that the perpetrator (whom they referred to not by Paddock’s actual name, but his alleged Islamic name, “Abu Abd al-Bar al-Ameriki”) was acting on behalf of their interests. CBS News reported:
The terror group said in a pair of statements released by its pseudo-news agency Amaq, citing anonymous sources, that the gunman, identified by police as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, converted to Islam several months ago and carried out the attack, “in response to calls to target states of the coalition” battling ISIS.
The claim — which the FBI believes has no merit — is an odd one for Amaq, which until recently has not been known for making false claims related to Islamic State-linked terror attacks. An NPR story from May 2017 had this to say about ISIS and Amaq’s claims of responsibility:
ISIS, which sees itself as a state, has its own news outlet — Amaq News Agency. It “purports to be independent” but is actually an ISIS propaganda arm, said Thomas Joscelyn, senior editor of the counter-terrorism publication The Long War Journal. […] Reporters can be fairly confident the claims come from ISIS, because the extremist group has been very conscious of controlling and spreading its message.
“We have not been able to find a real lie from ISIS,” said [Rita Katz, the director of the SITE Intelligence Group], who follows the group’s social media obsessively with a critical eye. “Despite the fact that they are a terrorist organization, they want to provide their followers and supporters with authentic information.”
Joscelyn said he can’t think of an example of an outright false claim by ISIS in the U.S. and western Europe. There are plenty of exaggerations — on death tolls, for instance — and the statements shouldn’t be assumed to be true.
The Atlantic’s Graeme Wood concurred with this view in a response to the claim of responsibility:
here in this video Ital Iman Independent Journalist-Intelligence Analyst; presents a view
of the Las Vegas shooting event that reveals in collage format occult evidence of a esoteric message being delivered through the shootings which suggest the shooter was a product of homegrown terrorism. through the science of numerology certain keys are visible which are used in this case to open the door revealing deeper truths. in the year 2002 Ital Iman esoteric work on the beltway sniper shootings was recognized by the Washington Post who gave his endeavor of covering the trial from his unique perspective a write-up in the paper. Ital Iman published The Book(WORD IS BOND)
revealing his findings and coverage of that event using some of the same methods used here in the Las Vegas event which reveals a masonic connection,indicating hidden forces in USA government and the Islamic state ,along with the creative and intuitive oracle of the universe known as God cooperating .basically the Illuminati number 322 is revealed here which highlights their (skull and bones) occult motto:
The Adoration
Holy Quran
chapter 32 verse 2
2} The revelation of the book,there is no doubt in it,is from the lord
of the worlds.
3} Or do they say: He has forged it? Nay, it is the Truth from thy Lord that thou mayest warn a people to whom no warner has come before thee that they may walk aright.
please note Also in this case the age of the shooter points to the Maya 64 unit matrix the genetic sounding board, This is not all that we have found through this event for we will not reveal all....many will not understand this but it is here presented:
"How is the radiogenetic keyboard of the planet light body experienced at the human level?"
Let us imagine that we are not extra- but super-terrestials examining the resonant fluctuations of planet earth. Our means of inspection is the 260-unit radiogenetic keyboard, the Tzolkin. Our focus is upon its 64 central units. Inscribed in this 64-unit matrix is the code and game plan of human destiny, the path beyond technology. Because of the design of the binary flow pattern, the Loom of Maya, this 64-unit matrix is referred to as the "Crossover-Polarity Zone." In other words, just as the chief feature of DNA is a double helix pattern by which a field is created for the crossing over of information from either molecular strand to the other, so the Loom of Maya pattern can be envisioned as a crossing over, to either side of the mystic central column, of the two symmetrical flows comprising the pattern of galactic activation.
The movement of this pattern of four units to the right and left of the central column defines the 64-unit symmetrical field. The 64-unit "keyboard" is the genetic matrix of transformation which unifies the entire 260-unit Tzolkin. The remainder of the Tzolkin, aside from the neural-valued twenty-unit mystic column, breaks down into 144 units of a four-phased radiant energy body, and 32 units of an eight-part crystal symmetry body. The total of twelve (four radiant energy body and eight crystal symmetry) fields of the Tzolkin contain the code information describing the pre- and post-genetic radiance of galactic unfolding. The thirteenth field of the Tzolkin is, of course, at the center and represents the DNA.
Modeling the pre- and post-technological formula defining history, DNA is the transformation matrix holding together primordial and synthesizing phases of radiant and crystalline energy activation. By its centrality in the overall matrix, the function of DNA is to vitalize the entire galactic activation pattern. As a fractal of the galactic whole, and of the geometry of DNA itself, the function of history/technology is to vitalize equally the radiant energy fields that define pre- and post-history.
How does this occur? The answer lies in following the pattern. This pattern, anchored by the fourteen galactic activation units on either side of the mystic column, describes the vibratory infrastructure not only of DNA, but of the universal light body. Holonomically registered at the cellular, individual organism, planetary, solar, and galactic levels, this vibratory infrastructure can also be read as the structural matrix supporting the wave harmonic of history as it passes through the 5,200-tun synchronization beam. Without the activation of the two-way flow during passage through the synchronization beam, the planetary light body would not be crafted. This two-way flow is the Zuvuya, the coming from and returning to Hunab Ku, the galactic core.
The FBI has stated that it doesn’t believe the attack was related to international terrorism.
Prior to police identifying Paddock, who they believe killed himself before anyone reached him in his hotel room, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack through their media outlet Amaq. Amaq’s “reporting” suggested, with no supporting evidence, that the perpetrator (whom they referred to not by Paddock’s actual name, but his alleged Islamic name, “Abu Abd al-Bar al-Ameriki”) was acting on behalf of their interests. CBS News reported:
The terror group said in a pair of statements released by its pseudo-news agency Amaq, citing anonymous sources, that the gunman, identified by police as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, converted to Islam several months ago and carried out the attack, “in response to calls to target states of the coalition” battling ISIS.
The claim — which the FBI believes has no merit — is an odd one for Amaq, which until recently has not been known for making false claims related to Islamic State-linked terror attacks. An NPR story from May 2017 had this to say about ISIS and Amaq’s claims of responsibility:
ISIS, which sees itself as a state, has its own news outlet — Amaq News Agency. It “purports to be independent” but is actually an ISIS propaganda arm, said Thomas Joscelyn, senior editor of the counter-terrorism publication The Long War Journal. […] Reporters can be fairly confident the claims come from ISIS, because the extremist group has been very conscious of controlling and spreading its message.
“We have not been able to find a real lie from ISIS,” said [Rita Katz, the director of the SITE Intelligence Group], who follows the group’s social media obsessively with a critical eye. “Despite the fact that they are a terrorist organization, they want to provide their followers and supporters with authentic information.”
Joscelyn said he can’t think of an example of an outright false claim by ISIS in the U.S. and western Europe. There are plenty of exaggerations — on death tolls, for instance — and the statements shouldn’t be assumed to be true.
The Atlantic’s Graeme Wood concurred with this view in a response to the claim of responsibility:
here in this video Ital Iman Independent Journalist-Intelligence Analyst; presents a view
of the Las Vegas shooting event that reveals in collage format occult evidence of a esoteric message being delivered through the shootings which suggest the shooter was a product of homegrown terrorism. through the science of numerology certain keys are visible which are used in this case to open the door revealing deeper truths. in the year 2002 Ital Iman esoteric work on the beltway sniper shootings was recognized by the Washington Post who gave his endeavor of covering the trial from his unique perspective a write-up in the paper. Ital Iman published The Book(WORD IS BOND)
revealing his findings and coverage of that event using some of the same methods used here in the Las Vegas event which reveals a masonic connection,indicating hidden forces in USA government and the Islamic state ,along with the creative and intuitive oracle of the universe known as God cooperating .basically the Illuminati number 322 is revealed here which highlights their (skull and bones) occult motto:
The Adoration
Holy Quran
chapter 32 verse 2
2} The revelation of the book,there is no doubt in it,is from the lord
of the worlds.
3} Or do they say: He has forged it? Nay, it is the Truth from thy Lord that thou mayest warn a people to whom no warner has come before thee that they may walk aright.
please note Also in this case the age of the shooter points to the Maya 64 unit matrix the genetic sounding board, This is not all that we have found through this event for we will not reveal all....many will not understand this but it is here presented:
"How is the radiogenetic keyboard of the planet light body experienced at the human level?"
Let us imagine that we are not extra- but super-terrestials examining the resonant fluctuations of planet earth. Our means of inspection is the 260-unit radiogenetic keyboard, the Tzolkin. Our focus is upon its 64 central units. Inscribed in this 64-unit matrix is the code and game plan of human destiny, the path beyond technology. Because of the design of the binary flow pattern, the Loom of Maya, this 64-unit matrix is referred to as the "Crossover-Polarity Zone." In other words, just as the chief feature of DNA is a double helix pattern by which a field is created for the crossing over of information from either molecular strand to the other, so the Loom of Maya pattern can be envisioned as a crossing over, to either side of the mystic central column, of the two symmetrical flows comprising the pattern of galactic activation.
The movement of this pattern of four units to the right and left of the central column defines the 64-unit symmetrical field. The 64-unit "keyboard" is the genetic matrix of transformation which unifies the entire 260-unit Tzolkin. The remainder of the Tzolkin, aside from the neural-valued twenty-unit mystic column, breaks down into 144 units of a four-phased radiant energy body, and 32 units of an eight-part crystal symmetry body. The total of twelve (four radiant energy body and eight crystal symmetry) fields of the Tzolkin contain the code information describing the pre- and post-genetic radiance of galactic unfolding. The thirteenth field of the Tzolkin is, of course, at the center and represents the DNA.
Modeling the pre- and post-technological formula defining history, DNA is the transformation matrix holding together primordial and synthesizing phases of radiant and crystalline energy activation. By its centrality in the overall matrix, the function of DNA is to vitalize the entire galactic activation pattern. As a fractal of the galactic whole, and of the geometry of DNA itself, the function of history/technology is to vitalize equally the radiant energy fields that define pre- and post-history.
How does this occur? The answer lies in following the pattern. This pattern, anchored by the fourteen galactic activation units on either side of the mystic column, describes the vibratory infrastructure not only of DNA, but of the universal light body. Holonomically registered at the cellular, individual organism, planetary, solar, and galactic levels, this vibratory infrastructure can also be read as the structural matrix supporting the wave harmonic of history as it passes through the 5,200-tun synchronization beam. Without the activation of the two-way flow during passage through the synchronization beam, the planetary light body would not be crafted. This two-way flow is the Zuvuya, the coming from and returning to Hunab Ku, the galactic core.
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