project Lucifer
At the close of day and a very exciting month being 8-31-2017 and my research
while finishing up so I thought preparing for a month long fast starting first of September bracing for what nature and the cosmic universe would bring in the light of current events,we have had the warnings of solar eclipse, now on the 23rd we await the sign in the heavens of Virgo giving birth to Jupiter and wonders of what it may bring,when low and behold Information came to me that reminded me of some research and writing I had did 14 years ago. tonight I read an article announcing that Cassini was ending its mission by diving into Saturn after all these years of probing.(diving between the rings?)that's when my mind went into overdrive this article made it sound so Innocent and mild, wonderful and beautiful,when I knew it was more to it than that because I had did a paper on it and knew it was to be a deliberate bombing of research has long been lost in cyber-space,
but here I will present to you the facts of this case and let you decide what is going on in the light of what has and what is going on in the heavens at this time.yes its probably to late,and what can we do about it any way. well for one you were warned long before you received this information. all I have been writing for past 36 years points to this hour. you were informed of these coming events,and no one decided to unite to prepare,this article alone proves that something is going down in the next few days as it has already that will change life on earth for ever more... I pray the Gods come through and rescue us because they are our only hope.and in them I do Believe unlike most of you... some of you might not get it,so I ask you to refresh your minds of the eclipse : Note That 33 days after it would fall 9-23-2017,this number 33 is key,Jesus Was crucified at age 33,(yes Nat turner uprising on eclipse day and all the clan activity symbolizes the death of Jesus [the negro])and when that happened,there was a great earthquake like there has never been on earth and it turned dark, note all the bad weather hurricane flooding we have had just after the eclipse now think what will happen on ,near,or shortly after 9-23-2017,look at it:storms still coming they have not stopped yet. now study the following video before we look at the man made bombing of Saturn...
Here below are some links for your own Research
in time
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