The third parable of Enoch revealed: The holy code of Akae Beka

The third parable of Enoch The third parable of Enoch In thee Beka shall The Rastafari be blessed The mystery revealed by –Ital Iman The holy code of Akae Beka Chapter 68 Chapter 68 holy Quran= The Pen Note the name of the fourth angel in parable of Enoch verse 9: His name is * Pen emue: he discovered to the children of men bitterness and sweetness; 10. And pointed out to them every secret of their wisdom. 11. He taught men to understand writing, and the use of ink and paper Now we will cipher the numbers in the chapter with verse 9,10/11 and we get 6+8+9+10+11=26 which chapter 26 Holy Quran is THE POETS.verse 68: and surely thy lord is the mighty,the merciful. The third parable of Enoch A parable is a succinct, didactic story, in prose or verse that illustrates one or more instructive lessons or principles. It differs from a fable ...