BRO. SANCHEZ and The Afrocentric "Pimps By Nature". Revealed...

In the early stages of The Internet and world wide web Ital Iman was one of the foremost among the Independent Journalist,and it was his work among others that helped to expose the hidden hands of government spying on it's users,and it was his research who brought many hidden things to the attention of other media sources,this was before the youtube cyber wars in the so-called Black cultural arena showcasing the crew down in New York calling each other Agents.Ital was exposing the true agents behind the curtain,but here we will also expose them exposing themselves, The Bro.Sanchez and The Likes.But first we will reveal a little from sources of the credibility of The Journalist Ital Iman: from the site National Security Agency | In Search of Black Assassins we read: "At least one source, Ital Iman I, suggests that the death of Black Nationalist Khalid Muhammad by a brain aneurysm was linked to a HAARP instrument that was turned up the day he died...