EVOLUTION (The Black man and woman is God)

We have forgotten who we are. the creation can not outshine the creators ,remember when the black woman was picture of health minus weave makeup she was natural and fine,talk on the street is :'Becky' some how is looking healthier,have you noticed she's becoming finer than the sisters,what's going on... Evolution ! is to suddenly wake up from a long sleep realizing you are one with the God Force,realizing you are not a mere drop in the ocean but could not dance the whole of the ocean. Black people are a people that should be the proudest people upon the earth... if only black people were racist we would not have the problems we suffer today. many of you are to young to remember anything of the sixties, you grew up in the era of twerking and hip-hop,rap,same sex marriages,do you know there was a time that your oppressor the white folk nor their could not dance,go look back in history and you will see them like monkeys with no rhythm swinging...