400 years, Time For The Jihad,The Fatwa of Ital Iman I

400 years Time For The Jihad The fatwa Of -Ital Iman 1/25/2019 Ending a 40 day fast [1/25/2019] being the 400 th year up from chattel slavery (1619-2019=400] By presenting the most powerful and meaningful work pertaining to Black liberation and freedom We answer the question: where do we go from here. We speak of the prophecy and the command handed down to us esoterically, orally and telepathically which is the Ethiopian[Black mans] spiritual science, the established Kabala from the Anunakki through the music and poetry of the seven major Prophets, poets or musicians, we the Rastafari circle or council of Elders here by claim the authority as Directors of The Black man spiritual Jihad upon planet earth. This Fatwa(Decree) of The Chilam Balm of North America. Order of Neg Mawon N'Chon Mahiz'Al of NE Florida/SE Georgia . (Jaguar priest or interpreter Jaguar) Ital Iman I in the spirit of The Prophet Bob Marley, was ...