Calling Rastafari: Wisdom of the Naga Maya ( Sesh,) or Star counsel

Wisdom of the Naga Maya "Sigi so" or "language of the Sigui", In Dogon mythology , sigi so would be the language taught by Nommo or by Amma to men. The Dogon language would only be spoken by those who did not know how to learn sigi so, sacred language, secret language of the masks spoken during major ceremonies such as the Dama (funeral) and the sigi (renewal of the world every sixty years) Around every 6000 years the earth is destroyed by some type disaster, for it is written Noah was 600 years when the floods came. Potolo travels around the bright star every 50 years(49.9) and that rotation is celebrated every 60 years,the Dogon says : To renew the earth… Sura 53 Holy Quran(The Star) verse 49: And he Allah is lord of Sirius… Sura 51 Holy Quran: Al-Dhariyat: The Scatterers. Verse 24. Has the story of Abraham’s honored guest reached thee? Now we go to sura 1...