The Power of the Flower
VOODOO CHILD This Idea came to me from somewhere in my past I think. this Idea was developing in my mind coming up like a flower to fuse Jimmy Hendrix music with beautiful women from 21st century that reflected that era of the flower power through their persona unknowing to them in most cases. this would reveal a certain artistic rendering from the thousand petal lotus of my mind,it had come that time in my creativity being a folk artist I have not produced 2 dimensional works since the 1990‘s. this concept developed out of the reality that these women I was viewing from my facebook circle shared an invisible commonality,many of them appeared from a by gone era,I viewed this as a very slow evolution even they were not aware of, it is true the women reflect the time...I had noticed myself being very close to them spiritually yet so far away.there was something missing in my life as I was maturing durin...